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  • The DISCO Knowledge Hub is an open-source digital platform designed to serve as a collaborative online space for stakeholders in the field of urban logistics and sustainable mobility. It offers a range of resources, tools, and opportunities for  knowledge sharing, capacity building, innovation, and collaboration within this domain.

    The DISCO Knowledge Hub aims to be the go-to place for stakeholders, to empower them with the tools, information, and connections needed to drive positive change and innovation in urban logistics and mobility.

    The vision is to build a dynamic and comprehensive online collaboration platform that serves as a central focal point for urban logistics and sustainable mobility stakeholders.


    Visit DISCO's website for more!

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  • Discover Living Labs Insights for a concise overview of innovative solutions, projects, and technical deliverables. Stay updated with regular insights featuring descriptive articles and visuals directly from the Living Labs. Explore ongoing advancements and progress within our Living Labs projects.

    Explore DISCO Living Lab Innovations for in-depth insights into groundbreaking projects and solutions. Delve into a comprehensive overview of ongoing initiatives within our Living Labs, highlighting their impactful contributions to innovation and problem-solving. Get updates and insights directly from our DISCO Living Labs, exploring the latest developments, progress reports, and innovative solutions as we share regular updates on ongoing initiatives and projects within our Living Labs network.

    • cop
      The City of Copenhagen is one of the selected EU Mission 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. To reach its climate objectives and deploy zero-emission logistic solutions, Copenhagen is taking an integrated approach through DISCO to ensure that the entire functional urban area benefits from the transition. The City recognises that its policies will affect local stakeholders, and will therefore work closely with industry sectors, citizens, and public authorities to ensure desirable outcomes for all.



    • The City of Ghent is a medium-sized medieval European city surrounded by an inner ring and outer ring (R4). In the historic centre, Ghent has a pedestrian area of 2 km². The municipality has incorporated many efforts to green the city including a modal shift as a cornerstone in Ghent’s SUMP 2014 and in 2019, a low-emission zone and a “Vision for the Use of Water in the City” which focuses on developing the use of waterways for freight transport. Ghent also aims to be climate neutral by 2050.


    • The
      The City of Thessaloniki is one of the 100 EU Mission climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. The City’s challenge is to become a zero-emission city by 2030, achieve optimised use of public space and overall enhanced citizens’ quality of life. Currently, in the historical centre, the main demand generators for last-mile transport are the commercial establishments and, more specifically, from fashion and HORECA.


    • Hel
      The City of Helsinki is one of the 100 EU Mission 2030 climate-neutral and smart cities. Helsinki logistics operations are currently primarily led by private companies, but the city has an ambition to support the logistics field towards a new sustainable operational model in line with the action plan for city logistics, updated in 2020. In Helsinki, delivery trucks 22-26% of traffic emissions in the city. The overall share of vans used for last-mile logistics is unknown, but most vans are used for other purposes.


    • Zar
      The Zaragoza Living Lab will enhance its last mile delivery thanks to an adapted Control Tower of multi stakeholder delivery management. It will boost local commerce via the integration and enhancement of the Citizen Card and the Volveremos groupon program, which provide an understanding of the transport and social behaviours. The Data Space will be utilised as a solid platform to create added value to the city by developing a vision and a work line withinthe City’s #DataLab team’s adapted to the guidelines of the Data Act initiative.


    • sp
      The Valencia Living Lab will implement a Supply Chain Hub (SCH), a flexible logistics facility in which several supply chains that serve the B2B/B2C last mile will be managed. In DISCO, AI will be used for the consolidation and regrouping of loads (multisector and multiproduct), unification of the distribution in a single fleet of zero-emission vehicles (100% electric designed to carry out an operationally efficient last mile distribution).


    • barc
      Barcelona, Valencia, and Zaragoza have established a well-connected cluster of cities belonging to the same country (Spain) to empower the positive effects of implementation, uptake, and replication potentials of sets of complementary measures on a larger scale and in various local conditions. All the three cities have ambitious plans and sustainable goals and have therefore all been selected as part of the “100 EU Mission climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”.


    • pad
      The City of Padua is a major centre for services, tourism, and culture, and is surrounded by a large, dynamic area that has experienced significant growth in recent years and, as such, is a significant generator of travel.The city is well connected with neighbouring cities in the Veneto Region, and with long-distance transport networks. It is one of the selected 100 EU “Mission climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”


    • mm
      DISCO stands for ‘Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimised urban freight meta-model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs’. Our aim is simple: to support the EU mission cities in achieving their climate goals by 2030, letting our living spaces breathe new life away from air pollutants.
      How? We will drive EU Cities towards a Physical Internet (PI) approach that aims to overcome possible trade-offs between the accessibility of goods and services, quality of life and environmental aspects necessitating fewer kms travelled to deliver the same amount of goods.


    • d2
      Within the DISCO Project, Work Package 2, titled "The DISCO Urban Logistics and Planning PI-led Digital Transition" is focused on the dynamic use of assets and networks in city logistics through the implementation of five key DISCO-X innovations. Its main objectives include understanding the dynamics of urban logistics transition and assessing digital maturity at Living Labs. The focus of this deliverable is identifying drivers and tools essential for the digitization of urban logistics and planning, alongside promoting strategies and data needs. A significant task is developing tailored specifications for DISCO-X innovations at each Living Lab. Lastly, WP2 aims to navigate the urban logistics ecosystem at the participating cities, guiding them through the Physical Internet-led transition to achieve an efficient and integrated use of urban space, both physically and digitally.


      Disclaimer: This deliverable has been submitted to CINEA for review and is still pending formal approval.


    • agile
      This report presents the DISCO Agile Model Implementation Roadmap, a crucial deliverable for Task 4.1, designed to guide the Starring Living Labs demonstrations in Step 1 of the project. The Agile Roadmap serves as a vital tool for verifying the implementation progress in different phases of the project, with a specific focus on the two cycles of WP4: Cycle 1 (M4-M8) and Cycle 2 (M16-M22). By adhering to the Agile methodology and the Iterative approach, the Roadmap provides a structured and efficient approach to monitor activities and ensure successful demonstrations.


      Disclaimer: This deliverable has been submitted to CINEA for review and is still pending formal approval.

    • disc
      The Dissemination and Communication Plan is the project’s guidance document for all dissemination and communication activities that will take place within the DISCO project. It should be seen as a living document that could be slightly adapted and revised throughout the project and following the timeline provided in the document.
      The Dissemination and Communication Plan identifies and describes the target groups for dissemination activities and explains how and through which dissemination channels they will be reached. It describes the main dissemination tools, which will be particularly important for outreach activities.


      Disclaimer: This deliverable has been submitted to CINEA for review and is still pending formal approval.

      The Urban Freight Data Space (UFDS) aims to revolutionise urban logistics by enabling data sharing and collaboration among stakeholders. This project focuses on developing a secure and standardized data-sharing platform that supports data sovereignty. By integrating diverse data sources, UFDS will empower stakeholders to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and contribute to more sustainable urban logistics solutions. This DISCO deliverable outlines the architecture and development plan for UFDS, highlighting its potential to transform the industry.

      Digital competence is a crucial catalyst for cities aiming to transition towards sustainability and climate neutrality. However, many cities lack a clear understanding of their current digital capacity or the maturity of their digital infrastructure, which hinders their ability to identify and enhance underdeveloped aspects of their ecosystem. To address this deficiency, a qualitative framework has been developed to assess the digital maturity levels of cities. Specifically, this document describes the development of the DISCO project’s Digital Transition Assessment tool.

      The DISCO Meta Model Suite (MMS) is a key component of the DISCO project aimed at improving urban logistics. It is designed to address the challenges posed by increasing urbanization, e-commerce, and environmental concerns. The MMS promotes collaboration, interoperability, and resource sharing, aligning with the principles of the Physical Internet. By leveraging advanced technologies and data-driven strategies, the MMS aims to create more efficient, sustainable, and responsive urban logistics systems.

      DISCOLLECT has developed a Smart Data Platform (SDP) based on the Dagster database software to help cities onboard their data to the UFDS. The SDP consists of a data space connector, a database, and additional components for data scraping and conversion. Cities can use this framework to offer their data to the data space by connecting their open data portals to the SDP. As an example, Ghent has used this framework to offer parking data to the UFDS. The SDP scrapes parking data from Ghent's open data portal, converts it to the right standard, and connects it to the UFDS. Inlecom has then developed a 2D visualiser app that visualizes the parking data by pulling it from the SDP through a UFDS connector and a middleware component.


  • Learn from urban logistics insights, experience, and Living Labs demonstrations in Europe and beyond. Best practices and resource repository are valuable reference for individuals or organizations seeking to improve their knowledge on urban logistics. Here stakeholders can access proven approaches, tools, templates, case studies, and other resources to inform their decision-making and implementation efforts, ultimately fostering continuous improvement and innovation.

    • alice
      This ALICE platform hosts relevant R&I Project results, Outcome, Implementation Cases and Logistics Clouds results following the valorisation guidelines. 


    • boo
      BOOSTLOG Vision is transforming European freight transport and logistics R&I ecosystem to perform optimally boosting impact generation out of R&I investment contributing to 
      i) EU policy objectives towards climate neutrality, pollution, congestion and noise reduction, free movement of goods, internal security, digital transformation of logistics chains and data sharing logistics ecosystems and 
      ii) companies sustainability and competitiveness generating value for society.


    • ulad
      The collaborative solutions for ULaaDS Trials are facilitated by the multi-stakeholder approach implemented in ULaaDS's beacon cities, namely Bremen, Groningen, and Mechelen. This approach entails the collaborative development of solutions and the establishment of stakeholder alignment through open communication. The method delineates preoperational measures, the defining of the ecosystem, and the responsibilities of stakeholders that are essential for the successful execution of trials.


    • A map of different areas

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      Shenzhen, recognized as the inaugural city worldwide to implement zero-emission freight zones in 2018, established 10 "green logistic zones." These zones permit all-day access for electric freight vehicles under 4.5 tonnes while banning fossil fuel freight vehicles entirely. By the end of 2019, Shenzhen boasted over 70,000 battery-electric freight vehicles in operation, surpassing the number of electric buses and taxis, marking the city as home to the largest operational electric fleet.


    • A group of people standing in a parking garage

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      Confluence, spanning 1.5 km² in Lyon, aims to create a tranquil, low-motorized environment while enhancing public space utilization. The district's massive urban construction challenges traditional automotive mobility and logistics flows.
      The strategies include optimizing city-private parking, establishing depots, ensuring secure bike access, and implementing e-cargo bikes. A three-echelon logistics model combining cargo bikes and lockers is envisioned.


    • zez
      Logistics professionals have faced increased demand and challenges but have maintained the supply, earning appreciation for their dedication. Despite progress, there's still a significant distance to cover in achieving green freight objectives, emphasizing the need for prompt action. The overarching goal of the Transport Decarbonisation Alliance is to foster global cooperation towards greener transport, with this guide serving to support partners by sharing experiences and promoting the potential of zero-emission freight. Through this guide "Don’t wait to start with freight" the intention is to extend support to these partners by sharing the experiences of ZEZ-F pioneers and highlighting the vast potential of zero-emission freight.


    • inter
      As the fight against climate change intensifies, Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs) are gaining popularity for their potential to reduce emissions and enhance air quality. UVARs encompass measures such as Low Emission Zones, Traffic Limited Zones, Pedestrianisations, and Parking Regulations. However, their implementation often faces challenges due to their broad impact beyond geographical boundaries, affecting factors like accessibility, social inclusion, and affordability. While the UVAR SUMP Topic guide published in 2019 provides valuable insights, further guidance is needed, especially regarding stakeholder engagement, complementing measures, and information for tourists. Projects like Dynaxibility4CE produced additional guidance documents and tools, including an annex elaborating on UVAR implementation considering Functional Urban Areas (FUAs).


    • rev
      Across Europe, local authorities are addressing this air and noise pollution, congestion and safety issues by implementing Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs), which prioritize sustainable mobility and restrict vehicle access in urban areas, particularly private cars, to create more livable cities focused on people rather than cars. UVARs encompass measures like Low Emission Zones, congestion charges, Limited Traffic Zones, and alterations to road layouts. Accordingly, this document presents the insights of the six cities (Bielefeld, Helmond, Jerusalem, City of London, Padova and Vitoria-Gasteiz) integrated UVARs into their standard urban mobility strategies within The Horizon 2020 project ReVeAL (2019-2022) context.


    • ds
      Recent years have witnessed rapid growth in ride-hailing and ride-sharing, advancements in powertrain technologies, and the deployment of connected cars, with the imminent arrival of autonomous vehicles. The integration of multi-modal trip planning is becoming increasingly feasible, reflecting consumer preferences for convenient and sustainable mobility options. To facilitate this change effectively, a shared digital framework is necessary to aggregate data from various sources, offering real-time insights into the urban environment and this report adopts a comprehensive perspective, examining how the principles of mobility data sharing can address the constraints faced by various stakeholders such as governments, businesses, and citizens.


    • ul
      Through a combination of innovative technology solutions, collaborative schemes driven by the sharing economy, and policy interventions, ULaaDS seeks to catalyze systemic changes in urban and peri-urban service infrastructure, aligning with sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs). ULaaDS endeavours to accelerate the deployment of shared and zero-emission solutions to meet the challenges posed by the growing on-demand economy in urban logistics. Followingly, this document emphasizes the factors that drive adoption, barriers to implementation, and essential components for successful pilot and trial implementations in the context of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) or Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULP) development.


    • ul
      ULaaDS (Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service) aims to revolutionize urban logistics by fostering sustainable and livable cities through the re-localization of logistics activities and the restructuring of freight flows. Through a blend of innovative technology solutions, collaborative sharing economy initiatives, and policy interventions, this ULaaDS policy paper aims is to underscore practical insights from trials, including the optimization of urban space allocation, engagement of stakeholders for success, promotion of fair competition in freight transport, and understanding the technological solutions. These insights were collaboratively compiled by ULaaDS partners representing seven ULaaDS cities.


    • to
      The Alliance for Logistic Innovation and Collaboration in Europe (ALICE) has developed the "Towards Zero Emissions Logistics 2050" roadmap to provide practical guidance for companies and stakeholders in achieving decarbonization goals. The roadmap emphasizes the need for collaboration and efficiency gains in freight transport and logistics, focusing on leveraging existing assets, integrating flows, and maximizing capacity utilization. The document offers an overview of existing roadmaps, a framework for decarbonization, and specific actions for stakeholders to undertake individually or collectively to facilitate the transition towards sustainable freight management.


    • uf
      This paper provides insights for urban planners regarding cargo e-bikes, outlining successful deployments in North America as replacements for ICE vehicles and proposing strategies to promote their adoption while ensuring safety for all road users. Drawing from data and opinions of key stakeholders in the public and private sectors, and leveraging the expertise of the Urban Freight Lab, the paper offers nine recommendations and 21 actionable strategies across four thematic areas: culture and education, infrastructure, policy and regulation, and incentives. covering topics including labour force training, cycling infrastructure, e-bike laws, and purchase incentives.


    • map
      Parcel lockers have rapidly emerged as a popular innovation in cities, outpacing the development of associated policies and regulations, prompting public authorities to seek ways to manage their proliferation while mitigating potential impacts on public spaces and traffic. The City of Groningen, in collaboration with the University of Groningen and Bax & Company have developed a framework for an open parcel locker system, involving interdepartmental collaboration, stakeholder engagement, academic studies, benchmarking of international practices, and spatial analysis for optimal placement. In this paper, the focus is on ten specific locations identified for their significant potential to improve accessibility in densely populated areas of the city.


    • sulp
      Aligning with the framework outlined in the European Commission's Urban Mobility Package and the European SUMP Guidelines (second edition), the Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning (SULP) guide aims to furnish authorities with a structured approach to implementing actions within the SUMP context, effectively addressing challenges and achieving sustainable urban logistics policy and planning. By integrating best practices of tools, methods, and techniques applicable across various stages of the revised SUMP process, along with measures and interventions, the guide aims to provide practical assistance to readers in realizing the future sustainability objectives of their cities.


    • ff
      This collaborative guide represents a joint effort between POLIS, the network of European cities and regions dedicated to transport innovation, and ALICE. Its purpose is to consolidate the perspectives of various stakeholders and experts, offering guidance to local and regional authorities, national and EU governments, companies, civil society, and citizens. By providing a framework for organizations to align their agendas with the objectives outlined in the document, it calls for collective action and collaboration, recognizing that no single stakeholder can effectively address the challenges alone. The guide seeks to unite diverse stakeholders and experts to contribute to the advancement of sustainable and livable urban environments.


    • urb
      The evolution of logistics real estate tailored to professionals and considerate of urban requirements has emerged as a viable solution, facilitating mobility optimization and hastening the decarbonization of distribution operations. This handbook exemplifies the ongoing tension between various scales, functionalities, and divergent perspectives among stakeholders. The key challenge lies in reframing the perspective: does real estate cater to the logistics needs of the city, or do logistics operators shape their operations based on available real estate? To what extent can urban logistics be planned or guided to serve the interests of territories and their inhabitants? This guide reflects the dynamic interplay between urban development and logistical demands.


    • tes

      The Novelog Toolkit is a user-friendly tool designed to assist users in identifying city logistics measures and their impacts based on selected parameters. Users can choose relevant parameters and press "search" to view a list of measures and impacts implemented in cities with similar parameters. The toolkit allows users to explore the impacts of specific measures by selecting them and pressing the "search" button. Information regarding the implementation location, timing, and impacts of the chosen measure is provided. Users can further refine their search by selecting specific city parameters.

      Link to Tool kit

      Urban Logistics Hubs
      This report provides targeted advice to policy makers on proactive measures to manage the complexities of urban logistics and facilitate the uptake and success of urban logistics hubs. The report expands on the expert discussions during the International Transport Forum (ITF) Roundtable, “Urban Logistics Hubs”, held in Paris and by video conference on 26–27 June 2023. Laetitia Dablanc (Université Gustave Eiffel, Paris) chaired the Roundtable discussions.


  • Explore funding opportunities in this section, featuring calls for proposals, tenders, and financing guidelines tailored for Living Labs and cities who wish to plan, develop and implement urban logistic measures. Discover funding guidance and access valuable resources to support the financial aspects of your Living Lab initiatives.

    🔔 Main Innovation Open Call 2025 by EIT Urban Mobility launched! 

    8M EUR is available to support innovative projects in two high-impact strategic sectors: urban logistics and energy transition. 
    Key dates of the Call calendar: 
    – Call opening: 4 April 2024
    – Call closure: 4 June 2024 at 17:00 CET
    – Eligibility and admissibility check: June 2024
    – External evaluation of proposals (1st stage): June-July 2024
    – Invitations to hearings (2nd Stage): July 2024
    – Hearings: September 2024
    – Communication of results: October 2024
    – Tentative start of the projects: November/December 2024
    More information here !

    📣 Calling all European #cities: we've got an exciting announcement for you!
    The Mission Platform is now offering support to any European city dedicated to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
    Whether your city is in the early stages or already progressing towards sustainability, the NetZeroCitiesEU program offers essential resources and guidance to advance your initiatives 🌍🏙
    The program leaders seek your input to better understand your city's needs and effectively assist your journey toward climate neutrality!
    Shape the support offered by #NetZeroCities by participating in their survey at this link ➡ https://lnkd.in/e6AR8sna

  • Dive into the training activities we prepare for you. Stay updated on upcoming news about our learning opportunities, and access our training materials to engage with the content at your convenience. This section offers a comprehensive view of our diverse training initiatives, spanning webinars, e-courses and podcasts, providing practical insights and tools to address urban logistic opportunities and challenges head-on. Engage with our training activities in our dynamic forums feature to share insights, connect with professionals, and contribute to collaborative innovative urban logistics solutions.


    Find our e-courses and webinars on: ma


    And our podcasts on:  mp

      Zero Emission IUrban Freight
      Global e-learning programme on electric mobility Zero-Emission urban freight 
      The fifth course of the SOLUTIONS plus Global Learning Programme on electric mobility focuses on the connection between e-mobility and urban freight decarbonization. It explores challenges, trends, and strategies for making last-mile logistics more sustainable, featuring real-world examples from various cities. The course is designed for city and regional authorities but is also open to the public and benefits from the expertise of multiple organizations.


      Unlocking the potential of Digital Twins for sustainable on-demand urban logistics
       Unlocking the potential of Digital Twins for sustainable on-demand urban logistics 
      The EU-funded project LEAD has launched its Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), open to all interested, titled “Unlocking the potential of Digital Twins for sustainable on-demand urban logistics”.
      It builds upon the results of the project’s Living Labs to deliver a Digital Twinning Capacity Building Programme, with a first-of-its-kind focus on urban logistics, to improve the capabilities and skills of personnel of authorities and researchers on open-source tools and modelling for Digital Twins.
      The course also provides a general introduction to urban freight, with a focus on on-demand and last-mile logistics.


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