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CCAM-Connected and Cooperative Autonomous Mobility

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Automated vehicles, rolling stock and vessels, as well as related transhipment automated processes, are developed independently within the various transport modes and sectors. This creates gaps and disconnections in the actual use within the logistics operations, missing concrete new operational models and opportunities for end-to-end logistics, which may support adoption and contributing to system integration and decarbonisation.

Automation will change the way goods flow across all modes (possibly encouraging modal shifts to coastal shipping modes/smaller vessel fleets, inland waterways transport, railway transport, or alternative road transport usages) and is not well explored in terms of opportunities for the logistics supply chains and enabling increased usage of vehicles and infrastructures. A high level of operational automation can be reached in terminals and hubs (e.g. node-to-node operations undertaken in inland hubs, multimodal depots, logistics terminals, freight consolidation facilities), which offer controlled environments and repeatable processes but also in the operational domain of processes occurring in those places.

Category: Funding Calls
Skill Level: Beginner

This project aims at developing and enabling to deploy a safe autonomous transportation systems in a wide range of real-life use cases in a variety of different scenarios.

The main objectives of this project are: to ensure that the AWARD solutions will address logistics needs; to develop a safe and scalable autonomous driving system able to manage harsh weather conditions, qualified for heavy-duty vehicles; to improve efficiency of logistics operations with autonomous heavy-duty vehicles; to perform innovative autonomous heavy-duty vehicles missions in real logistics operations; to provide insights and recommendations on the standardisation and harmonisation of certification processes and type approval.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

5G-LOGINNOV will focus on seven 5G-PPP Thematics and support to the emergence of a European offer for new 5G core technologies in 11 families of use cases. 5G-LOGINNOV main aim is to design and innovative framework addressing integration and validation of CAD/CAM technologies related to the industry 4.0 and ports domains by creating new opportunities for LOGistics value chain INNOVation.

 5G-LOGINNOV is supported by 5G technological blocks, including new generation of 5G terminals notably for future Connected and Automated Mobility, new types of Internet of Things 5G devices, data analytics, next generation traffic management and emerging 5G networks, for city ports to handle upcoming and future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges. 5G-LOGINNOV will deploy and trail 11 families of Use cases beyond  TRL7 including a GREEN TRUCK INNITIAVE using CAD/CAM & automatic trucks platooning based on 5G technological blocks. Thanks to the new advanced capabilities of 5G relating to wireless connectivity and Core Network agility, 5G-LOGINNOV ports will not only significantly optimize their operations but also minimize their environmental footprint to the city and the disturbance to the local population.


Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

PLANET addresses the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and ensuring effective integration of the European to the Global Network by focusing in two key R&D pillars:

  • A Geo-economics approach, modelling and specifying the dynamics of new trade routes and its impacts on logistics infrastructure & operations, with specific reference to TEN-T, including peripheral regions and landlocked developing countries;
  • An EU-Global network enablement through disruptive concepts and technologies (IoT, Blockchain and Physical Internet, 5G, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles /automation, hyperloop) which can shape its future and address its shortcomings, aligned to the DTLF concept of a federated network of T&L platforms.
PLANET goes beyond strategic transport studies, and ICT for transport research, by rigorously modelling, analysing, demonstrating & assessing their interactions and dynamics thus, providing a more realistic view of the emerging T&L environment. The project employs 3 EU-global real-world corridor Living Labs including sea and rail for intercontinental connection and provides the experimentation environment for designing and exploiting future PI-oriented Integrated Green EU-Global T&L Networks [EGTN]. To facilitate this process, PLANET delivers a Symbiotic Digital Clone for EGTNs, as an open collaborative planning tool for TEN-T Corridor participants, infrastructure planners, and industry/technology strategists.

PLANET also delivers an Active Blueprint and Road Map, providing guidance and building public & private actor capacity towards the realisation of EGTNs, and facilitating the development of disadvantaged regions. The project engages major T&L stakeholders, contributing to both strategy and technology and (importantly) has the industry weight and influence to create industry momentum in Federated Logistics and TEN-T’s integration into the Global Network.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Within this group, ALICE provides an overview of the calls under Horizon Europe relevant for freight and logistics and members are engaged in the development of R&I recommendations for upcoming Horizon Europe programme.

This group is restricted to ALICE members that can follow and enrol by using the regular enrolment key (it is NOT your password). If you do not remember it you will find at ALICE Plenary section

Skill Level: Beginner

The ambition of the Systems & Technologies for Interconnected Logistics Group thematic group is to define research and innovation paths that need to be addressed to achieve fully interconnected and real-time (re)configurable supply chains in (global) supply chain networks with wide available and affordable ICT solutions for all types of companies and participants.

In essence, this is a requirement to enable a Physical Internet: an open global logistic system founded on physical, digital, and operational interconnectivity, enabled through encapsulation of goods, standard interfaces and protocols. The aim the Physical Internet vision is to move, store, produce, supply and use physical objects throughout the world in a manner that is economically, environmentally and socially efficient and sustainable.

As part of the renewed ALICE strategy and the updating of working groups scopes end 2017, this thematic group is now integrating topics related to safety and security of supply chains, previously adressed in thematic group 1. Main topics adressed in this working group are: Low intrusive security technologies, supply chain resilience, advanced supply chain risk management, system based supervision, coordinated border management, visibility of end-to-end supply chains, seamless data interoperability, ownership & governance, intelligent objects, smart devices, IoT & ITS, Big Data & Data Analitycs,  Blockchain, Artificial Intellingence, Digital Twins, dematerialization, autonomous logistics operations, transhipment technology and handling of logistics units.

More information

If your company is a member and you would like to join this group, please contact ALICE secretariat at info@etp-alice.eu so we grant you access.

Have a look to ALICE membership and how to join if you are not sure or if you would like to know more on membership.

Skill Level: Beginner