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Specific Challenge:

Innovative solutions in the fields of connected and automated transport, shared mobility, inter-modality, etc. are being deployed or tested for wide-scale implementation, re-shaping mobility and affecting the operation and business models of the transport sector. These changes result in the emergence of new stakeholders and services, new types of data (in particular ‘Big Data’), new risks and socio-economic impacts.

The effective integration of disruptive technologies and solutions in the transport system, and policy design relies strongly on the capability to analyse, monitor and, assess mobility solutions and their potential socio-economic impact. However, current methodological tools, databases and models are not adapted to meet new research needs – including for electric mobility - resulting in growing knowledge gaps. In particular, many of the new knowledge needs require additional data, new data collection and management approaches, as well as new methods and tools to exploit the new types of data (in particular ‘Big Data’).

Skill Level: Beginner