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FlexCURB is improving urban last-mile logistics by creating a planning platform and associated driver’s app to maximise use of curbside spaces. Curbside management refers to the techniques, and practices used to administrate curbside spaces in high-demand, multi-use areas. The app and platform will be tested in four living labs in Toulouse and Strasbourg in France, Leuven in The Netherlands, and Funchal, Portugal.  

The platform and app will help reduce traffic congestion caused by double-parking of delivery vehicles while improving efficiency in delivery times and trips, and potentially increase the revenues of delivery businesses. Effective use of the platform and app could also minimise conflicts with other curbside users including pedestrians, cyclists and emergency vehicles. Freight providers can access valuable information regarding traffic flows and restrictions, parking and curb regulations and access to loading areas and times, while public sector partners can optimise underutilised spaces, and plan traffic and curbside regulations. 

Skill Level: Beginner