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Section outline

  • Why is this Project Relevant for ALICE & the Physical Internet?

    • Logistics Nodes

      Collaboration within nodes
      • Shared vehicles and infrastructures, and data
      Collaboration between nodes
      • Common Communication infrastructure
      Harmonising transport modes
      • Standard containers to handle
      • Cargo Flow visibility
      Supporting the way to Generation 1:
      • Definition of infrastructural requirements (storage area characteristics) and PI cargo handling procedures that can be used as reference (or standards) by a PI Node
      • Definition and publication of services (nodes will publish and allocate capacity to PI)"
    • Logistics Networks

      Information and data: Supply Chain Visibility / network visibility
      • Visibility of mode capacity available
      • Load and mode data decoupled
      Definition of rules, services (and protocols). (Generation 0)
      Capacity forecasting and assignment algorithms). (Generation 1)
    • Access & Adoption

      Make rail useful and accessible for PI services
      Show benefits for different stakeholders of PI
      • Shared assets, vehicles and infrastructure
    • Governance

      • Sustainability
      • Standardisation and harmonisation
      Mapping and analysis of current asset-sharing networks, their forms and business models will contribute to Generation 0.