Projects’ results are expected to contribute to all the following expected outcomes:
Provide innovative, competitive and affordable zero tailpipe emissions vehicles architectures for regional medium freight transport and distribution full electric N2 and/or N3 category vehicles (VECTO vehicle group 1, 2 or 3), with prototype(s) fully validated for a zero-emission driving range of at least 200 km under driving conditions comparable to VECTO regional and urban delivery mission profiles, with strong synergies of urban and suburban operations.
Demonstrate the vehicle’s functionality and performance in real world conditions, with innovative freight transport and logistics use cases, at least matching the vehicle dynamic performance of non-zero tailpipe emission vehicles and maximising productivity in terms of usage (t/km transported per year).
Provide fleet managers with ZEV-specific, flexible, managerial tools (e.g. adapted to the characteristics of vehicles and infrastructure) supporting the seamless integration of zero tailpipe emissions vehicles into fleets and facilitating the assignment of tasks and routes (infrastructure, range, charging time, payload etc.).
Demonstration of fast charging concepts capable of fitting established regulations and business practices, particularly at load/unload points enabling efficient operations.
Optimizing the specific charging infrastructures for logistics hubs and/or TEN-T urban nodes.
Contribute to significant price reduction steps by demonstrating a net total cost of operation (TCO) parity with 2020 engine-based solutions and assuming a production volume of >= 10.000 pieces/year and net TCO reductions beyond that volume.
Contribution to increasing economies of scale, following demonstration of powertrain integration in different applications and the realisation of the necessary value chains.