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Section outline

  • Expected Outcome

    Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

    • Concepts of fleet and traffic management in the CCAM eco-system enabling optimised systems for the mobility of people and goods that take into account the balance between societal and individual user needs.
    • Intermodal interfaces and interoperability between traffic management systems (of different geographical locations and/or of CCAM vehicles and other modes of transport) considering integration beyond road transport in the overall multimodal transport system providing seamless mobility services.
    • Advanced simulation models and tools that enable and help assessing new traffic management strategies (including dedicated lanes, priorities at intersections etc.) for CCAM.
    • Optimised mobility network load balancing approaches through advanced traffic management guidance and information loops that can reach individual users as well as operational traffic management actors.
    • Effective cooperation and governance models for operating CCAM services as part of real-life fleet and traffic management systems developed and tested.