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Section outline

  • Scope

    The coordinated support action will work under the framework of the EDDP and support the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking in the implementation (and preparation for migration) of DAC throughout Europe with professional skills able to manage industrial complex projects and successfully achieve the expected outcomes described above.

    The coordination of this work includes R&I work to further detailed migration roadmap taking into account the tasks required from different implementing actions, creating thereby an action/implementation plan and working environment which addresses different levels of intervention:

    • at European level, with strategic coordination and sound management principles, overarching timelines and common standards;
    • at national level, with action plans and further detailed measures;
    • at company/stakeholder level, for the execution of identified and assigned tasks.

    This work should, among other aspects, take into account the retrofit demands per country, per wagon-type and fleets, as well as the analysis of all major customer sidings/terminals with respect to mixed-coupler fleet operations, in order to and be able to build/provide concrete operational plans.

    The project stemming from this topic should therefore determine the required separate implementing actions (not part of this call) which need to be set-up for dealing with these aspects. In order to align with the overall objective, the project should define their specification/work plans and objective-setting prior to their installation and then oversee their execution during the overall deployment.

    A professional risk management plan should be created and managed with appropriate mitigation measures that will ensure / increase the confidence of the successful full deployment of DAC by 2030.

    The following aspects should be addressed at least, by setting up and developing further, during the project, such separate actions, in coordination with the linked project and the EDDP works, as part of a migration roadmap and implementation plan (indicative and non-exhaustive list):

    • Fleet analysis & engineering (retrofit readiness):
      • EU sector-wide fleet data collection and analysis for wagons & locos: number, technical state (retrofitting ability), usage
      • Integration engineering e. g. for hybrid loco coupler, including an analysis on the compatibility with the locomotive traction power
      • Engineering solutions for locomotive and wagon types that cannot be retrofitted with the standard technical solution
      • Adapt/create data base(s) (vehicle data, authorization + photo documentation, …)
      • Strategic assessment of the results, evolution monitoring and reporting
    • Retrofitting capacity plan:
      • Identification/organisation of required and available additional workshop capacity
      • Identification/organisation of required and available qualified workshop staff
        • identification and permanent optimisation of DACcination centers quantity/locations & requirements
        • gap determination for workshop/workforce and proposal of countermeasures
      • Consolidation of planned/required retrofitting rolling stock quantities, timing & retrofitting process per type/vehicle
      • Additional fleet capacity: Evaluate option for pool of new (replacement) vehicles
      • Components production:
        • Identification of the component demand per retrofitting location
        • Preparing production capacity plan to target levels to be ready from day-1 of migration
      • Evolution monitoring and reporting
    • Retrofitting plan (Traffic & customer sidings analysis, operational plan)
      • Analysis of traffic flows per EU country and related fleets
      • identification of alternative solutions for critical & non-retrofittable fleet
      • organisation of interaction per EU MS with all concerned stakeholders
      • building up a concrete operational and retrofit plan per country, fleet, stakeholder aligned with (major) customers
      • Evolution monitoring and reporting
    • Infrastructural and IT adaptations:
      • Analysis and development of required buffer stop adaptation per country
      • Analysis of marshalling yards requiring buffer release devices and definition of installation process
      • Further priorisation of most relevant to be adapted IT parameters for marshalling yard control systems and fleet databases
      • Evolution monitoring and reporting
    • Placing into service plan
      • Identification of RU’s SMS, operational rules and maintenance rules adaptation need
      • Elaboration of related standard elements
      • Identification of concerned ground and workshop staff
      • Organisation of respective trainings with stakeholders
      • Evolution monitoring and reporting
    • CBA
      • Regular updating of the CBA in close cooperation with FP5 FDFTO and reporting
    • Funding/ Financing plan
      • Set-up funding and financing concept (European Investment Plan)
    • Investment plan & procurement framework plan
      • Set-up procurement framework
      • Set-up of an investment plan (application of the European Investment Plan on national and individual company level)
      • Set-up of a timeframe for company preocurement investment decisions
      • Evolution monitoring and reporting
    • Other regulatory framework plans
      • Relevant adaptions, facilitate the ‘DAC-ready’ concept and any other amendments In EU Legislation to ensure a swift and safe retrofitting process
    • Support the identification of a fit for purporseAuthorisation process (ERA)
      • monitoring, analysing, regular overview and reporting to the JU on the related ERA and FP5 works and their impact on migration/deployment plan
    • TSI revision (EC)
      • monitoring, analysing, regular overview and reporting to the JU on the related EC works and their impact on migration/deployment plan

    The action to be funded under this topic is expected to support the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking for the European stakeholder management encompassing such a transformation process and the risk and deviation management for the overall programme and its implementing actions.

    The project proposals should be completed by on dissemination oriented activities that shall be realised via the channels and in coordination with the JU; no activities that are considered to be a duplication, such as websites, newsletters, etc., will be considered eligible for funding and may result in the reduction of the grant.