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Section outline

  • Expected Outcomes

    Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:

    • Mobility solutions that respond to people’s and cities’ needs, co-designed with local authorities, citizens and stakeholders, tested and implemented in cities to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.
    • Transferrable solutions for mobility of people and goods exploiting the combined potential of electrification, automation and connectivity to significantly and measurably contribute to:
      • The Cities Mission’s objective of climate neutrality by 2030;
      • Reduction of CO2 emissions supporting the 55% reduction goal for 2030;
      • Lower energy demand;
      • Improved air quality, less noise;
      • Reduced congestion, more reliable, predictive travel times and more efficient transport operations;
      • More effective use of urban space also considering the other transport modes and multimodal hubs;
      • Improved safety particularly for vulnerable road users;
      • Improved inclusiveness, especially by facilitating equitable and affordable access to mobility for all users, in particular for people with reduced mobility.
    • Economically viable, modular and adaptable solutions that are transferrable among cities committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2030.
    • Capacity built among local authorities, users and mobility systems providers to accelerate the take-up of shared, smart and zero emission solutions and to implement their monitoring and evaluation.
    • Implementation plans for local and regional transport authorities to replicate the roll-out of innovative smart mobility solutions and related infrastructure (in particular for charging and/or connectivity) in cities beyond those involved in the project.
    • Contribution to updates of urban and transport policies as well as relevant strategic research and innovation agendas (SRIA), particularly of the 2Zero and CCAM partnerships[1].
    • Contribution to no net land take as promoted under the EU Soil Strategy[2].

    [1]The budget of this topic consists of EUR 20 million coming from contributions to Missions from various Horizon Europe Clusters and an additional EUR 30 million from Cluster 5, to be considered outside the missions’ budget, representing the contribution of the partnerships involved in this topic.

    [2] https://ec.europa.eu/environment/strategy/soil-strategy_en