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Section outline

  • Expected Outcomes

    Project outputs and results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes:

    • Progressing beyond the state of the art, full-scale demonstration of an interoperable port call and voyage optimisation tool on existing routes and services involving at least three ports and two shipping companies and relevant stakeholders in port call operations.
    • Improved operational efficiency of vessels when arriving to/departing from ports, towards elimination of waiting times during navigation and at the port. Develop and demonstrate in realistic environment, KPIS’s to quantify these gains.
    • Increased navigational safety through improved sea traffic management from onshore which has been assessed with respect to the status quo considering also situational awareness during port entrance, manoeuvring, berthing, departure and potentially related skills issues.
    • Optimised fuel efficiency and reduced vessel emissions through voyage, waiting at anchorage and port arrival optimisation to facilitate more efficient sailing speeds. Reductions in fuel consumption of 10 to 20% with corresponding reductions in greenhouse gas emission should be demonstrated, compared to business as usual during navigation and at port and port-to-port approach.
    • Enable shipping companies to quantify their fuel savings and the GHG emissions avoided as a result of the optimisation system and the real-time information shared with ports during vessel voyage.
    • Development of port call optimisation standards considering the on-going standardisation initiatives by IMO/ISO groups to facilitate a secure and resilient operational, real-time digital data sharing and decision support system for port and voyage optimisation; and develop operational roadmap(s) for standard technical committees.
    • Assessment and quantification of the benefits of port and navigation optimisation for different types of maritime traffic, e.g. tramp and regular services for bulk, container, passenger, cruise ships, Ro-Pax, Ro-Ro, etc.
    • Adaption to the existing and/or development of business models to prove the commercial viability of voyage and port call optimisation to facilitate take up and its wider application.