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  • Expected Outcomes

    European Commission and EU Member States/Associated countries are reinforcing and developing their research & innovation policy to accelerate zero-emission road mobility development. A framework for cooperation will enhance the efforts to achieve this pan-European challenge by joining forces, sharing knowledge, bundling financial resources and coordinating activities, creating complementarities, coherence and building synergies across the EU (e.g. 2ZERO partnership) and EU Member States/Associated countries ยด R&I funding programmes, national plans, efforts, approaches and in collaboration with the Associated Countries.

    Project results are expected to contribute to all the following outcomes:

    • Stronger harmonised national policy plans, efforts, approaches with a focus on R&I funding programmes of the different EU Member States/Associated countries, accelerating zero-emission road mobility.
    • Maximally deployed and effectively utilised synergy effects, pooled resources and aligned R&I funding programmes to support the EU 2030 and 2050 COemission goals for the road mobility sector in an affordable and effective way.
    • Exchange of knowledge and experiences and mutual coordination at multiple levels (EU/ national / regional / cities and stakeholders, funding organisations, OEMs, fleets, users, etc.), implementation activities, regulations, incentives and demonstrations and the sharing of data, information and best practices.
    • Provide companies, regions, cities and the research community with a holistic overview of policy plans and R&I funding programmes across EU (and Associated Countries) to maximise synergy effects and the efficient utilisation of resources, such as from recovery packages and cohesion funds.
    • Allow a clear overview of the national projects and better take into account their results in the development of their research and deployment actions.
    • In order to facilitate the above-mentioned coordination of efforts at national and EU level and the sharing of best practices and results, data on national projects (to a level at least equivalent to those present in the CORDIS database) should be made available by MS and AC. The consortium will endeavour to promote and harmonise the registration of data on national projects of participating countries, to make data more accessible internationally and to facilitate their exchange and comparison. This will be supporting the integration of data on national projects into existing databases, such as TRIMIS and CORDIS.
    • Long lasting, strong coordination and cooperation between the European Commission, MS and AC and the Stakeholders involved in the 2ZERO Partnership, facilitated by the States Representatives Group (SRG).