Proposals are expected to address all the following aspects:
Proposals are expected to address all the following aspects:
Section outline
Proposals are expected to address all the following aspects:
Consider typical demands along significant TEN-T corridors, including under severe
weather and peak conditions, as well as opportunities for sharing and balancing power
supply within studied areas, locations of logistics terminals and truck stops with nearby
depots for overnight charging of trucks, buses, and construction machines, car-parking
Input from EU Member States/Associated countries’ maps with aggregated charging
demands and expected high power charging station localisations as well as input from
grid operators on power system local and regional conditions is also expected. Such
terminals/ hubs for charging should offer charging on non-discriminatory basis.
Particular attention should be paid to the real needs of end users, including optimised
infrastructure locations, its reverse impact on the traffic flow, ease of use and
interoperable protocols that do not hinder universal use across different countries; the
identification and analysis of potential regulatory aspects and barriers for relevant
standardisation activities is encouraged.
The developed tools should have the capability to map the optimal locations for a fast
and high-power charging infrastructure (already built-up logistics hubs, truck service
centres, truck and bus depots, and for new ones also considering the permitting process),
offering planning information including to the developers of the targeted infrastructure.
For optimisation of the overall system use, services and tools should be developed
keeping into account on-board EV system characteristics.