Innovative digital tools and solutions will allow to upgrade transport infrastructure
ensuring an improved performance and safety, together with a reduction of emissions and
better inclusiveness. Increasing the performance of multi-modal transport infrastructure can
be achieved through improving the efficiency of the assets and by the cross-modal data
management. Digital solutions are key to reduce drastically disruptions in traffic flows,
increase transport efficiency and lower its dependency on fossil fuels.
Transport infrastructure needs to be capable of harvesting the benefits from digitalisation at
management and operations levels, as well as in relation with the user. Digitalisation can
support the achievement of sustainability targets and provide a better service to infrastructure
end users, including enhanced public transport services. Digital technologies, such as big data,
the Internet of Things, Digital Twins, together with Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning techniques provide a great potential for developing mobility solutions.
The integration between transport infrastructure and digital technologies will help achieve
personalised seamless passenger and freight journeys transport across different transport
modes. This integration will consider safety and security starting from the design phase, while
simultaneously automating and accelerating the decision process at every level from
maintenance to traffic management.
Special attention should be given to the accessibility of new digital tools from persons with
disabilities and older persons, in order to ensure that this segment of the population is also
able to participate fully and benefit from digital progress. As set by the Green Deal, priorities
should be given for projects allowing modal shift from road to more sustainable mode such
rail and inland waterways.
Proposals will have to address all of the following points: