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  • Project Summary, Objectives and Expected Impacts

    The Safe Green Logistics A/S - Container Transfer System - is that alternative!

    A full-scale intermodal technology & concept, which in a very simple and effective way moves large volumes of road-based freight onto rail.

    The technology & concept is easily integrated in to existing infrastructures and corridors. In addition, the technology and concept offers higher profitability than traditional road transport, lower socio-economic costs while at the same time reduces CO2 emissions significantly.

    Safe Green Logistics A/S (SGL) is an innovative and logistical-tech company working on establishing possibilities and technological evolutions to better utilize and optimize the transportation and logistic industry. 

    SGL was established in 2011, but years before, owner and inventor Heine Blach Jensen, educated in logistics, began to think of how goods could be transitioned on to greener transportation modes, such as rail, moving larger quantities at a time, more efficiently and greener instead of long distances haulage, time consuming, substandard for a healthy socio-economical culture and unfavorable for the environment. 

    Until 2030 freight volumes are expected to increase 1.7% (projected from 2005 to 2030) year on. Road freight transport activity (+1.8% pa in 2005-2030) is projected to increase and attain a share in total freight transport of 75.4% by 2030, 2.8 percentage points up from 2005 levels. Rail transport accounted for roughly 16% of all freight in 2005 and is expected to stay at a 15% share in 2030.  The freight landscape is stagnant (2023) and no real transition to further greener corridors and concept is on the rise.