Projects should become European demonstration-type ("lighthouse")[1] examples for integrating new scalable technologies and measures into city transport operations and existing transport infrastructures at real-life scale in order to achieve long-term decarbonisation impacts; clear improvements of the efficiency and accessibility of the transport networks/systems covering the TEN-T urban nodes or equivalent, and their access to the relevant TEN-T corridor(s) or equivalent transport corridors for transport of freight and/or passengers. Positive long term impacts on social cohesion, economic development and public perception – resulting in behavioural change and policy change - are anticipated.
This should be done by monitoring, for example, aspects such as modal share, transport network performance (demand and supply) and connectivity through interoperability and multimodality. Additionally proposals should seek to establish financial and institutional/organisational cooperation models to enable seamless transport across the TEN-T urban node area or equivalent.
Projects are expected to collaborate with the established impact evaluation framework (using both clear baselines and measurable impact indicators) as well the dissemination and information exchange framework put in place in the field of urban mobility by the Commission. They will contribute to the development of the existing European knowledge base on the effectiveness and impacts resulting from the implementation of innovative mobility solutions.
Clear commitments and contributions to Europe-wide take up during and beyond the project are expected, which could for example be in the form of follow-up actions funded by CEF or similar programmes.
This topic complements CEF-funded activities.