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  • Expected Impact

    • Strengthen industrial leadership in the EU Member States and Associated Countries by reinforcing value chains that integrate innovative solutions in SMEs, along and across existing value chains.
    • Stimulate the creation of new globally competitive industrial value chains across the EU Member States and Associated Countries to accelerate the development of emerging industries, which will boost industrial competitiveness and underpin future economic growth, jobs, and progress towards a resource-efficient economy.
    • Further leverage and complement support for innovation in SMEs and other funding, which may be provided by national or regional authorities (including under the European Structural and Investment Funds) and/or by private investors (upfront or as follow-up investments), including in relation to the European Fund for Strategic Investments.
    • Contribute to the implementation of regional and national research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation strategies (RIS3), modern cluster policies as well as of strategic inter-regional collaboration under thematic Smart Specialisation Platforms and cluster partnerships supported by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change by capitalising upon concentrated and complementary competences for the development of new industrial value chains and emerging industries with a clear EU added-value.
    • Provide a clear and measurable contribution to the innovation performance of the supported SMEs in the short-term - as revealed by indicators such as numbers of new or significantly improved products (goods and/or services), processes, new marketing methods, or new organisational methods -, and to its impact on resource efficiency and/or turnover. A wider impact is also expected in the medium-term.
    • Improve the business environment of the supported SMEs by establishing open collaboration spaces that can involve innovation actors from different sectors and countries. This will lead to the creation of new ideas for innovation and new collaboration partnerships, which will be subject of further development and with the potential for further impact on business turnover.


    [2]This Background Note provides explanations about the context, concepts, systemic approach and strategic focus. It also offers some lessons learnt with examples from the first generations of INNOSUP-01 projects. See: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/guides_for_applicants/h2020-guide-note-innosup-1-18-20_en.pdf





    [7]See: http://europa.eu/rapid/attachment/IP-17-1995/en/SmartSpecialisation_PilotActions.pdf