Geographical coverage: EU
Available contribution M€: Contribution from the EU of between EUR 20 and 25 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. (It is expected that 2 projects are funded)
Deadlines: 1 Stage 26th of January 2021
Additional information: Typically, projects should have a duration of 48 to 60 months
Type of Action: Innovation Action (IA)
Each consortium should be led by one “Lighthouse” port, which will demonstrate the novel concepts and solutions and a further three (at most) “Fellow” ports that will be actively associated in helping to define and
incorporate their specificities in the more general approach and solutions, follow closely the demonstration actions and are committed to implement the best practices identified and results produced by the project. Each consortium should include at least one inland port. All consortia should also include academic and other partners (e.g. rail, road). All participating airports or ports must be from different EU Member States or Countries associated to Horizon 2020.