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Section outline

  • Expected Impact

      • Accelerated deployment of sustainable alternative fuels (including advanced biofuels), green hydrogen and electromobility in transport, as well as sustainable energy supply and storage and waste heat recovery in ports;
      • Clean energy / fuel production and distribution (particularly green hydrogen and electricity) and increased alternative (bio-) fuel supply, with re-fueling and re-charging capabilities;
      • Green ports as multimodal hubs, optimising passenger and freight flows for low emission mobility, in a context of much stricter public health criteria;
      • Energy-efficient and green port operations and buildings, green and smart logistics, integration with other low-emission transport modes (in particular rail) and promoting effective modal shifts;
      • Reduced aviation, waterborne and other transport emissions, as well as improved air quality, biodiversity, better integration in the circular economy and reduction of noise at airports and ports;
      • Reduced emissions for cities and urban mobility, as well as improved city integration for ports;
      • Clear commitments and contributions to Europe-wide take up of technological, non-technological and socially innovative solutions during and beyond the project are expected, which could be in the form of follow-up actions, for instance supported by EU’s Connecting Europe Facility or other funding programmes;
      • Significant, direct and immediate contribution to the achievement of the European Green Deal, as well as other EU transport policy objectives (including TEN-T), while strengthening the competitiveness of the European transport sector.