Upscaling Innovative Green Urban Logistics Solutions Through Multi-Actor
Collaboration and PI-inspired Last Mile Deliveries, is a Horizon Europe
project that started in September 2022 and will run until February
support the transition path towards effective, resilient, safe and
sustainable last-mile transport, through four Lighthouse Living Labs
(LL) in Helsinki, Bologna, Valladolid and Thessaloniki.
A key component of the project is the replication of its results and lessons learned. This will facilitated by its URBANE
Innovation Transferability Platform comprising Digital Twinning Tools,
open models, smart contracts governed by blockchain technology and a
data-driven Impact Assessment Radar. Two Twinning LLs will be undertaken
in Barcelona and Karlsruhe, demonstrating their own solutions.
commitment to upscaling is further strengthened by the engagement of six
early adopters (Follower Cities) in feasibility studies of the
innovations’ adoption, thus stimulating the formulation of new LL
communities across Europe.
- Analyse the physical, digital, social and business dimensions of complex last-mile logistics delivery systems.
- To define target strategic innovations and develop a new framework
to facilitate the co-creation of innovative and green last-mile delivery
- To set up, prototype, test and demonstrate last mile innovative
solutions in four Lighthouse LLs (Wave 1), leveraging green automated
and connected mobility.
- Provide the infrastructural enablers for Innovation Transferability
including consensus protocols to support collaborative services in local
logistics networks governed by smart contracts, Digital Twinning
capabilities and data-driven decision-making tools to enable
replicability of most performing practices.
- Model, deploy and demonstrate smart solutions in two Twining Living
Labs (Wave 2), clearly evidencing the level of adaptation of models and
efficient replicability of solutions demonstrated in Wave 1 LLs.
- Develop business plans and design a commercialisation path for key project outcomes.
- Disseminate, promote scale-up, enable effective policymaking, and support relevant LL initiatives at the EU level.