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  • Deliverables published

    • It contains the description of the main aspects of the 4 foundational Position Papers of the PLANET project and the design of scenarios intended to assess their potential impact. The primary objective is to analyse, understand and assimilate the global, geopolitical, commercial, and economic imperatives of the main European trade routes.

      Responsible Author: David Cipres & Miriam García (ITAINNOVA)

    • It presents the currently available models for representing freight transport processes in the intercontinental corridors, their enhancements performed during the project in relation to their key characteristics and functionalities, in order to fulfil modelling and decision-making support needs to the Living Labs’ use cases. It also contains the description of the adaptation of the simulation models by the different partners, as well as the requirements gathered from the living labs’ use cases.

      Responsible Author: David Cipres (ITAINNOVA)

    • It discusses in more detail the potential impact of the BRI on TEN-T using several model simulations. This deliverable builds on work done in D1.4 by discussing the results of future simulations for 2030 and 2050 and two scenario simulations, namely the impact on disadvantaged regions and that of improved rail freight corridors. Based on these scenarios, the potential impact of TEN-T has been identified. Some ideas of leveraging the role of intermodal nodes, in particular the inland ones covering comprehensive logistic activities supporting local developments, are elaborated as well.

    • It is the updated version of D1.6. The main subject of this deliverable is to evaluate the potential impacts of various legislative and policy initiatives on the EGTN layers, attributes and development and to assess the key implementation barriers. In addition, scenarios for 2030 and 2050 per transport mode were developed in order to evaluate the impacts of prioritized legal and policy initiatives on the simulation input parameters.

    • It tests the PLANET integrated modelling capability developed in D1.8 through its application in various contextual scenarios based on the viewpoints of various modelling partners and foundational position papers. In sum, this deliverable demonstrates the concept of ‘whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ by highlighting the enhanced effect of integrating the features and potential of individual models developed across the PLANET project to model a range of operational contexts, emerging technologies, and future scenario logics.

    • It provides a detailed description of the main components of the vision of the EGTN. The approach is made to define the EGTN specifications, considering the WP1 the analysis and bringing together the opinions and considerations of the consortium regarding the definition and components of the EGTN.

      Responsible Author: Georgia Ayfadopoulou & Orestis Tsolakis (CERTH)

    • It explains the reasoning behind the development of the features provided, by mapping the requirements presented in the previous version with the final functionalities offered by the EGTN Platform. It materialises the platform specification defined in WP1 to an integrated architecture and a cloud-based instantiation of it on the cloud. A description of the components of the platform is presented together with detailed deployment strategies aiming to ensure that the platform can be easily adopted by any interested T&L party. The governance model of the platform defines processes for data ingestion and processing, integration and management of PI services and onboarding of users.

    • This deliverable is part of task T2.2 EGTN IoT and Connectivity Infrastructure Components. The objective of the task is to identify, collect and integrate T&L data and models to be used in creating T&L services. The task will identify, collect and curate such models adhering to the Project’s Data Management Plan.

    • It describes the preliminary results of experimentation on AI based predictive models, using data made available in the project, to forecast the in-flow of pallets and containers to warehouses.

    • This report addresses the challenges associated to multi-stakeholder decision making in the context of Transport and Logistics (T&L). A Multi-actor multi-criteria analysis is undertaken considering the unique supply chain contexts of intercontinental corridors, warehouse and hinterland transport and last mile delivery. Operators with activity in all three supply chain sectors are found to have unique operational criteria and priorities, that indicate the need for separate instantiations of MACMA in each context.

      Responsible Author: Kostas Zavitsas

    • It is the updated version of deliverable 2.13 and proposes methods and algorithms, that adapt legacy T&L practices to the operational principles of the Physical Internet. These methods have been identified based on the challenges identified in the Living Labs but have been developed in a Living Lab agnostic way into services, as part of a more generalized framework of T&L solutions. The deliverable focuses both on the algorithms and their performance, as well as the EGTN platform that embodies the algorithms, their interactions with other EGTN services and where applicable with the interaction with the user.

      Responsible Author: Kostas Zavitsas

    • It is the second and final report on the integration and interoperability of proprietary Blockchain systems as part of the PLANET project. The report aspires to inform any stakeholder or consortium of stakeholders involved or interested in the design of innovative, cross-organisational EU-Global T&L networks, but also any stakeholders interested in the deployment of Blockchain interoperability solutions in T&L or any other field in which the use of smart contracts can be applied.

    • It is the final version of deliverable 2.17 and focuses on the design and structure of the Blockchain-enabled smart contracts which are called to facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract or an aspect of the SLA. The report aims to inform any stakeholder or consortium of stakeholders involved or interested in the design of innovative, cross-organisational EU-Global T&L networks, but also any stakeholders interested in the deployment of Blockchain interoperability solutions in T&L or any other field where the use of smart contracts can be applied by replacing existing paper-based contracts.

    • It provides a detailed description of LL1’s specifications and the implementation plan for optimising door-to-door logistics in the connection between Asia and the Mediterranean corridor by using technologies such as blockchain, AI or IoT, as well as the PI concept. It also includes an overview of the assessment plan for the infrastructure corridor analysis and the simulation-based designs underdeveloped, and to be integrated as part of PLANET EGTN infrastructure.

    • It introduces the work carried out during the first steps of this LL: Synchro modal dynamic management of TEN-T & intercontinental flows promoting rail transport: China – Rotterdam, USA/UK focusing on the role of rail transport. It includes detailed problem and goal definition, approach design, operationalization of impact assessment, and initial implementation.

    • It provides an analysis of the current situation on the examined Asian-European transport corridor was made together with a detailed analysis of the logistic processes performed by the business partners Rohlig Suus and Polish Post. Based on the complete state-of-the-art picture the objectives for the Polish LL were proposed, which through the implementation of modern technologies and process innovations will positively influence the described operational, economic and environmental KPI's, as well as EGTN network.

      Responsible Author: Lukasiewicz - ILiM (Martyna Zielińska, Adam Koliński, Tomasz Markowski, Witold Statkiewicz, Malgorzata Kirchner)

    • It sets up and specifies the parameters of an EGTN Generic Use Case. It brings together elements from the 3 PLANET LLs under a common EGTN framework and employs the analysis of the effects of the new trade routes in the TEN-T network.

      Responsible Author: Teresa de la Cruz  (ZLC)

    • It identifies which funding mechanisms (HE and CE) can be applied to further develop the disruptive technologies or to fund the necessary infrastructural developments. It also synthesizes the funding and proposes new CEF and HE call topics that can serve as guidelines for the 2030 review of the programs aiming at contributing to the transition of TEN-Ts the next generation of PI enabling EGTNs.

      Responsible Author: Ioanna Kourounioti

    • It provides information and tools for logistics and policymakers stakeholders policymakers. More specifically, the policy guide aims to promote technology and policy transfer from the experiences of the PLANET project in the EU to emerging economies by increasing decision-makers’ awareness.

    • It provides a stakeholder analysis, identifying important European stakeholders that are considered relevant for PLANET and gathering information used to mobilise them to support the project’s exploitation objectives.

      Responsible Author: Jeanett Bolther (PNO)

    • It summarises the observations and recommendations of the Advisory Board members on the project. This version focusses on 3 key topics developed under PLANET: the Stakeholder analysis, the PLANET vision and EGTN; the modelling and simulation capabilities.