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2ZERO Partnership

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Automated vehicles, rolling stock and vessels, as well as related transhipment automated processes, are developed independently within the various transport modes and sectors. This creates gaps and disconnections in the actual use within the logistics operations, missing concrete new operational models and opportunities for end-to-end logistics, which may support adoption and contributing to system integration and decarbonisation.

Automation will change the way goods flow across all modes (possibly encouraging modal shifts to coastal shipping modes/smaller vessel fleets, inland waterways transport, railway transport, or alternative road transport usages) and is not well explored in terms of opportunities for the logistics supply chains and enabling increased usage of vehicles and infrastructures. A high level of operational automation can be reached in terminals and hubs (e.g. node-to-node operations undertaken in inland hubs, multimodal depots, logistics terminals, freight consolidation facilities), which offer controlled environments and repeatable processes but also in the operational domain of processes occurring in those places.

Category: Funding Calls
Skill Level: Beginner

This section includes information and documentation restricted to ALICE full members.

It includes Minutes of the Plenaries, Statutes, Code of Conduct, membership lists and other relevant information.

If your company is a member and you would like to join this group, please contact ALICE secretariat at info@etp-alice.eu so we grant you access.

Have a look to ALICE membership and how to join if you are not sure or if you would like to know more on membership.

Skill Level: Beginner

Within this group, ALICE provides an overview of the calls under Horizon Europe relevant for freight and logistics and members are engaged in the development of R&I recommendations for upcoming Horizon Europe programme.

This group is restricted to ALICE members that can follow and enrol by using the regular enrolment key (it is NOT your password). If you do not remember it you will find at ALICE Plenary section

Skill Level: Beginner

This Group is currently focussed on supporting the implementation of the Roadmap Towards Zero Emissions Logistics in 2050 solution areas:

  • Fleets and Assets are Energy Efficient
  • Fleets and Assets use the Lowest Emissions Energy Feasible

(more information)

Additionally the Working Group delivered in 2014 a Research and Innovation roadmap on “Sustainable, Safe and Secure Supply Chains“. In this paper we sketched the context in which companies operate their supply chains in the 21st century. We identified that resource scarcity, demographic trends, safety concerns and security threats at global, regional and local level span the space of feasible supply chain design, planning, control and execution solutions. We envisioned an evolution towards fully integrated supply networks, in which logistics service providers, shippers and authorities closely cooperate. In particular shippers, as the owners of the goods in transit, play a key role; their decisions on product configuration after all determine what to transport.

If your company is a member and you would like to join this group, please contact ALICE secretariat at info@etp-alice.eu so we grant you access.

Have a look to ALICE membership and how to join if you are not sure or if you would like to know more on membership.

Skill Level: Beginner

The Towards zero emission road transport (2Zero) is a co-programmed Partnership funded under the Horizon Europe programme and aiming at accelerating the transition towards zero tailpipe emission road mobility across Europe.

Formally launched on 23rd June 2021, the 2Zero partnership builds upon the successes of the European Green Cars Initiative (EGCI: 2009-2013) and the European Green Vehicles Initiative (EGVI: 2014-2020). EGCI was created in an ad-hoc manner in the 7th Framework Programme in response to the global economic crisis of 2008 and led to the joint funding of 113 collaborative research projects. Bringing together stakeholders from three different European Technology Platforms (ERTRAC, EPoSS and Smart Grids), the European Green Vehicles Initiative contributed to improving the energy efficiency of alternative powertrains in road transport.
The 2Zero partnership will implement an integrated system approach covering Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV). With the support of five Technology Platforms (ERTRAC, EPoSS, ETIP-SNET, ALICE and Batteries Europe), it will continue investigating new vehicles technologies and will extend its scope to cover the integration of the zero tailpipe emission vehicles in their eco-system contributing to boost the EU competitiveness and technological leadership.

Skill Level: Beginner