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Groups & Contents tagged with "Data Analytics"

Urban freight transport sustainability leaders

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Sixfold is Europe’s leading real-time logistics visibility platform

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

5G-LOGINNOV will focus on seven 5G-PPP Thematics and support to the emergence of a European offer for new 5G core technologies in 11 families of use cases. 5G-LOGINNOV main aim is to design and innovative framework addressing integration and validation of CAD/CAM technologies related to the industry 4.0 and ports domains by creating new opportunities for LOGistics value chain INNOVation.

 5G-LOGINNOV is supported by 5G technological blocks, including new generation of 5G terminals notably for future Connected and Automated Mobility, new types of Internet of Things 5G devices, data analytics, next generation traffic management and emerging 5G networks, for city ports to handle upcoming and future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges. 5G-LOGINNOV will deploy and trail 11 families of Use cases beyond  TRL7 including a GREEN TRUCK INNITIAVE using CAD/CAM & automatic trucks platooning based on 5G technological blocks. Thanks to the new advanced capabilities of 5G relating to wireless connectivity and Core Network agility, 5G-LOGINNOV ports will not only significantly optimize their operations but also minimize their environmental footprint to the city and the disturbance to the local population.


Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Freight transport and logistics are in a period of transformation where the increased availability of digital technologies is rapidly transforming market structures and logistics business models, and the legislative and policy frameworks are moving towards the minimization of the environmental impact of transport. The rapid structural, organisational, and behavioural changes of the sector make existing data, models, and tools lag behind current developments. In response, the STORM project aims to study transformation and structural changes in freight and logistics business structures from different perspectives, focusing on the future challenges and needs of the sector by developing new methods and tools to support digitalization, sustainability transition, and future policy needs. STORM will create a unique platform for dialog with all relevant stakeholder groups to identify key elements for future horizons and directions for freight and logistics research, business and polices.

The project will develop new generation, beyond current state-of-the-art transport data analytics, models and solutions through industry use cases and contribute to sector innovations and competitiveness. STORM output will be a toolbox bringing together tools and methods centring on Big Data, data fusion, and agent-based modelling applied to electrified freight transport concepts and new collaborative, digitised logistics systems. It responds to the emerging needs of transport researchers, planners, and policy makers and it will generate knowledge for the implementation of innovative transport policies. STORM will provide advanced methods and tools to enable new opportunities and business models for the sector through targeted information and knowledge sharing with structured support and collaboration in research, policy analysis, and transport planning, to fulfil the ultimate goal of facilitating the sustainable transformation for the business and future public policies.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The ambition of the Systems & Technologies for Interconnected Logistics Group thematic group is to define research and innovation paths that need to be addressed to achieve fully interconnected and real-time (re)configurable supply chains in (global) supply chain networks with wide available and affordable ICT solutions for all types of companies and participants.

In essence, this is a requirement to enable a Physical Internet: an open global logistic system founded on physical, digital, and operational interconnectivity, enabled through encapsulation of goods, standard interfaces and protocols. The aim the Physical Internet vision is to move, store, produce, supply and use physical objects throughout the world in a manner that is economically, environmentally and socially efficient and sustainable.

As part of the renewed ALICE strategy and the updating of working groups scopes end 2017, this thematic group is now integrating topics related to safety and security of supply chains, previously adressed in thematic group 1. Main topics adressed in this working group are: Low intrusive security technologies, supply chain resilience, advanced supply chain risk management, system based supervision, coordinated border management, visibility of end-to-end supply chains, seamless data interoperability, ownership & governance, intelligent objects, smart devices, IoT & ITS, Big Data & Data Analitycs,  Blockchain, Artificial Intellingence, Digital Twins, dematerialization, autonomous logistics operations, transhipment technology and handling of logistics units.

More information

If your company is a member and you would like to join this group, please contact ALICE secretariat at info@etp-alice.eu so we grant you access.

Have a look to ALICE membership and how to join if you are not sure or if you would like to know more on membership.

Skill Level: Beginner