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PI Access and Adoption

Groups & Contents tagged with "PI Access and Adoption"

Cloud logistic solution that enable collaborative logistics across networks

MIXMOVE is a company providing a suite of logistics solutions for intelligent, horizontal collaboration between shipper, carrier, hub, distributor and the end customer. The Match solution provided by the company is able to increase load factors by optimising the preparation of modular loading units in different hubs, thus allowing to reduce half-empty trucks. This is a credible example of handling modular units and reconfiguration node operations in a systemic approach, optimising the cargo capacities, reducing manual handling and enabling end-to-end supply chain visibility and control. This logistics process is based on splitting logistics units down to parcel level so that cross-docking can be used to produce logistics units with vastly improved load factors. It provides the necessary functionalities to run the logistic network, such as TMS, WMS, and a supply chain dashboard. The solution is suitable for shippers and logistics service providers with complex logistics operations and high volume.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Flexible logistics solutions for growing online stores.

It makes it possible for small shippers and online retailers to easily outsource their entire physical goods warehousing and logistics.

The company provides the entire warehousing and logistics package: warehouse and maintain stock, send goods globally with the best possible freight forwarders, and provide a variety of added value services usually available only for larger retailers.

OGOship is a 3PL company providing outsourced logistics for e-commerce in flexible a transparent way, therefore enabling the access to a large logistics network bringing value of consolidation for a large number of small shippers.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

sennder – Europe’s #1 digital freight-forwarder platform for Full Truck Loads.

Ssennder is a leading digital road freight forwarder in continental Europe, linking large commercial shippers with small freight carriers. With its in-house-developed platform, sennder provides a new level of automation, transparency and efficiency to the European €300 billion road freight market, which until now has been dependent on paper, phone and fax and characterized by multi-layer subcontracting. sennder’s digital connection to over 10,000 vehicles in all segments allows for almost unlimited capacities, no matter what time of the day. sennder digitalizes the truckload-shipping ecosystem by providing mobile apps to drivers, fleet management tools to carrier managers and logistics management solutions to shippers. Real-time booking, a designated contact person always on hand, as well as precise live tracking, bring full transparency to any logistics supply chain. By integrating directly with the shippers’ Transport Management and Freight Management Systems via APIs and by cutting the multiple middle men, sennder increases efficiency and reduces cost for all stakeholders.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Urban freight transport sustainability leaders

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Professional marketplace designed for on demand logistics services

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Innovative service to share multi-industrial and multi-distributor transport

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Stockspots is a Warehousing Network specialised in on-demand warehousing

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

INTTRA is an ocean shipping e-commerce network

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

ATROPINE aims to join forces with research and corporate partners to create a Physical Internet model region in Upper Austria. Partial areas of this concern, for example, ′smarte′ load carriers, which can communicate with means of transport and/or shippers and transporters, and innovative business models, which promote the idea of a ′Sharing Economy′ Overall, the benefits of a Physical Internet system lie in the development of a more efficient and sustainable cooperation model for the transport of goods in order to minimise transport costs, increase productivity and reduce energy consumption at the same time. The ATROPINE project gives companies and research institutions in the Upper Austrian economic region the opportunity to be among the first in the new research field ′Physical Internet′ and to develop expertise.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The proposed project aims to establish the rail system as a backbone within the increasingly volatile environment of the Physical Internet (PI). By early anticipation of uncertainties (order quantities, follow-up transports, waiting times etc.) the wagon transforms to a flexible, modular and profitable core element of the fully integrated and dynamic transport system. To ensure high capability to service increasingly spontaneous transport orders (“sharing platform” etc.) and smaller batches (“industry 4.0” etc.), lead times have to be minimized and modularization of transports has to be promoted. Thus, the objective is to continuously and proactively adjust capacities and distribute resources through an extensive data usage (“intelligent wagons”, horizontal/vertical cooperation, “intelligent traffic systems”) and a (semi-)automatic processing of these data. In this way, an economic added value for additional shippers (smaller batches with increasing urgency) can be generated and thus, a modal shift from road to rail will be obtained

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

With this research project we combine forces with three universities (VUB, KU Leuven and UHasselt) that have expertise in different aspects of synchromodal transport. The objective is to develop a digital twin to further enhance the synchromodal concept and make synchromodal transport a reality in Flanders to boost the competitiveness and sustainability of its logistics sector.

To date the synchromodal concept remains rather theoretical and it is not well measurable due to the lack of an appropriate platform to provide reliable assessments in a highly dynamic and real- time environment. Such a platform would be able to mimic the current real system, but also simulate how it could evolve. The objective of this project is to develop such a platform in order to test dynamic planning algorithms and communication technologies which are also the main enablers for implementing synchromodal transport.

The platform will operate like a digital twin that mimics the physical reality on a digital platform. It will address questions such as how much to transport, when and by using which transport mode? How can we integrate replenishment decisions and inventory cost calculation within the transport planning process? How can collaboration between shippers and/or logistics service providers in an open logistics network enhance the sustainability and cost-efficiency of supply chains?

The project will focus on organizational and technical enablers for seamless synchromodal transport services in Flanders. Given the real-time dynamics and flexible nature of synchromodal transport, different transport modalities and actors need to work together and adapt according to unexpected events and contextual information that affect transport processes. These events and contextual information are related to negative as well as positive perturbations that shape freight movement and transport mode selection, such as newly incoming orders, transport delays, cancellations, collaborative bundling opportunities, accidents, water levels, strikes and many more.

Crucial elements in this regard are situational awareness of the current system state and projections of how the system will evolve once different actors take different actions. We will consider individual company objectives at micro level and network objectives at macro level.

Our platform will be represented by a digital twin in order to provide a testbed for synchromodal opportunities within a risk-free environment. A digital twin is a virtual environment that mirrors the real physical system (a physical twin) and its processes by updating its virtual real-time status from various sources of information regarding weather forecasts, congestion levels, positions of assets (barges, trains, trucks) and their ongoing working conditions. By means of the digital twin, effects of sensor technology and information exchange can be studied in combination with physical flows. Such a risk free environment allows for analysis and evaluation of triggering events (new orders, disruptions, delays...) which induce physical movements, and vice-versa, physical movements may trigger information flows once certain assets arrive at a specific location or enter a geo-fence.

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Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The EU maritime transport constitutes a crucial link in the global logistic chains and plays a leading role in international freight transport. Serving 40% of the EU’s internal trade and 75% of its external trade, maritime transport is an essential element in supporting Europe in maintaining its Number 1 position in global trade. Therefore, as a key node of the EU’s TEN-T ports have the ultimate objective to fully integrate maritime transport into the global logistics chain.
Within this framework, DocksTheFuture aims at defining the vision for the ports of the future in 2030, covering all specific issues that could define this concept including among others, dredging, emission reduction, energy transition, electrification, smart grids, port-city interface and the use of renewable energy management.
The proposal already addressed a preliminary research on the Port of Future concept, the definition of several Port of the Future topics to be addressed and their related targets in 2030 and a preliminary list of projects that could be potentially clustered together with the RIA retained proposals.
Moving from this point, DockTheFuture will:
- refine and tune the Port of Future concepts, the Port of the Future topics and their related targets in 2030 and the list of projects to be clustered together with the RIA retained proposals,
- identify appropriate KPIs and relevant monitoring and evaluation of results of actions
- leading to the a Port of the Future Road Map for 2030 that will include a number of exploitation elements such as tools for evaluation and transferability of Port of the Future solutions, R&D and policy recommendations, training packages and the creation of a Port of the Future Network of Excellence
All of these elements will be supported by a comprehensive Dissemination and Communication plan targeting all ports in Europe and other relevant stakeholders, including Mediterranean and other Neighbouring Partner Countries.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

ICONET will significantly extend state of the art research and development around the Physical Internet concept in pursuit of a new networked architecture for interconnected logistics hubs that combine with IoT capabilities and aiming towards commercial exploitation of results. ICONET strives to achieve the end commercial goal of allowing shipments to be routed towards final destinations automatically, by using collaborative decisions inspired by the information centric networking paradigm, and optimizing efficiency and customer service levels across the whole network. According to this vision, cargo regarded as smart physical packets will flow between hubs based on ‘content’ of the cargo influencing key commercial imperatives such as cost, optimisation, routing, efficiency and advancing EU's Green agenda. Consequently, the consortium are discernibly aimed at three (3) avenues of commercialisation and exploitation from the ICONET innovation, specifically targeted in the areas of

(a) Warehousing as a service

(b) E-commerce fulfillment as a service, and

(c) Synchromodality as a service.

PI based logistic configurations will be simulated, prototyped and validated in the project . Modelling and analysis techniques will be combined with serious game type simulation, physical and digital prototyping, using living lab (LL) requirements scenarios and data. With analyses and simulations, optimal topologies and distribution policies for PI will be determined. The project implementation will be based on a succession of phases of modelling and design/prototyping, learning and experimentation and feedback and interaction with the wider business community, including the ALICE logistics platform as well as members of the partner Associations ESC, UIRR and ELUPEG. Through its Living Labs, the project will address under the PI paradigm both Supply Network Collaboration and Supply Network Coordination.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The LessThanWagonLoad project has the objective to develop a smart specialized logistics cluster for the chemical industry in the Port of Antwerp in order to shift transport volumes from road to rail freight. This objective will be realised by developing: (i) a new rail transport solutions for single pallets (we call this LWL ‘less than wagon load’ in analogy with existing LTL ‘less than truck load’ transport) and (ii) new added value rail freight services for the industry within the Antwerp chemical cluster. These potential new services consist of parking, repair, picking and cleaning for chemical wagons, rail connected cross docking of pallets and improved rail connections by setting up mixed trains with conventional and maritime container volumes.

The project primarily focuses on Antwerp and the chemical industry. But the new concepts can also be leveraged to other logistical hubs with other industries. This will be demonstrated at a second logistical hub Nola, in the south of Italy. This broad implementation potential increases the impact on European society.

Realising the LessThanWagonLoad project will contribute in a substantial way in realizing the EC’s ambition to shift 30% of road freight over 300km to low-emission modes by 2030. The potential benefits of the project for European society are very important and diverse: (i) environmental improvements (less GHG emissions), (ii) reduced costs of rail freight, (iii) increased inter-modality and higher resilience of the transport system, (iv) local economic growth and employment, (v) less congestion and traffic casualties and (vi) less risk on social dumping.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Big data has opened a wide spectrum of opportunities in the field of transport research. Observing the recent emergent interest in the application of big data within transport, as well as the extended scope of its applications, it is evident that most of the challenges have yet to be addressed.

Leveraging Big Data to Manage Transport Operations (LeMO) project will explore the implications of the utilisation of big data to enhance the economic sustainability and competitiveness of European transport sector. The project will study and analyse big data in the European transport domain in particular with respect to five transport dimensions: mode, sector, technology, policy and evaluation. LeMO will accomplish this by conducting a series of case studies, in order to provide recommendations on the prerequisites of effective big data implementation in the transport field.

Through case studies, LeMO will investigate methodological, technological, governmental and institutional issues, which in turn contribute to evidence-based decision making. LeMO will supplement these case studies with a horizontal analysis that identifies the barriers and limitations of the transportation system to exploit big data opportunities. In collaboration with strong advisory and reference group, and expert stakeholders, LeMO will devise and develop research and policy roadmap that will provide incremental steps necessary towards data openness and sharing to make transport safer, more efficient and more sustainable. Notably, LeMO will bring crucial issues linked to privacy, data security and legal aspects to the forefront, paving the way for future legal framework for the collection and exploitation of big data in transport.

Furthermore, LeMO will disseminate project findings to a large population of stakeholders, including transport authorities and industries leading to better understanding of travellers' and consumers' behaviour, targeted information and identify policy interventions.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Currently most of EU research activities in the area of supply chain has been supported through programmes specifically focusing on some aspects as for example technologies for handling and transportation in ALICE, for internal logistics and production networks in EFFRA, Integrated platforms for implementing new communication paradigms in ICT, platfomrs for industrial symbiosis in SPIRE.
The aim of the project is to put in place a cross-sectoral and cross-technological initiative at European level to increase integration between production and distribution proposing research and innovation priorities for the future of supply chain.
In particular, the project will develop a Strategic Research Agenda where the effort of different communities like EFFRA, SPIRE, ALICE and other ICT are put together to face important challenges like customization and sustainability. Most important steps of the project will be: (i) Creating a European network where most important stakeholders will be involved reaching a critical mass of people from all targeted industries and scientific domains by mean of direct actions along the whole project life; (ii) Identifying future industrial scenarios for 2050: through the analysis of the socio-economic trends and drivers in the market and their impact on innovation & technology development it will be possible to fix some promising scenarios for the future; (iii) Developing a strategic research agenda and a joint action plan on broader innovation policy issues of common interest. NEXT-NET will be grounded on the analysis of most important European and national roadmaps status of implementation, on identification of the most promising enabling technologies for the future industrial scenarios to develop the research and innovation priorities, on workshops (focus groups, brainstorming sessions, ...) with experts and stakeholders from more that 4 supply chains accross Europe.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Ports are a great example of heterogeneous information hubs. Multiple stakeholders operate inside and outside them with different motivations and businesses. Although document and data interchange is already in place through Port Community Systems (PCS), the interchange is limited to official documentation and services of the Port Authority, such as custom declarations, import/export of cargo, and other formal documents. However, an effective integration of operational data is far from optimal in most ports, and especially so in medium or small ports, where budget is limited and IT services usually is outsourced.

In contrast, the available operational data (resources tracking, container status, vessel operations, surface or berth available, air/water quality measurements,...) is constantly increasing and technology is getting inexpensive and widely available. However, the application of such systems is still single-entity centric, since the information is not shared, keeping the real potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 hidden. The same holds for geographic areas surrounding ports, where Smart Cities integrate various data systems and provide valuable services to citizens and authorities.

PIXEL will enable a two-way collaboration of ports, multimodal transport agents and cities for optimal use of internal and external resources, sustainable economic growth and environmental impact mitigation, towards the Ports of the Future. PIXEL will leverage technological enablers to voluntary exchange data among ports and stakeholders, thus ensuring a measurable benefit in this process. The main outcome of this technology will be efficient use of resources in ports, sustainable development and green growth of ports and surrounding cities/regions.

Built on top of the state-of-the art interoperability technologies, PIXEL will centralise data from the different information silos where internal and external stakeholders store their operational information.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The Port of the Future will be able to enhance sustainable development and to manage the resources to be invested and their employment for a competitive advantage. Therefore, the port of the future must be oriented to port community and have an operative strategic capability to work, in line with European purposes, on the following:
- Smart, through ICT solutions, because it is important to improvement exchange of information flows between port and port community;
- Interconnected with the use of a combination of different modes of transport and the integration of different technologies, because it is important to achieve better monitoring and controlling of the freight flows;
- Green through the adoption of green technologies because it is important to reduce the environmental impact of port operations saving the resources.

All in all, sustainable development is the present and future for ports that want to lead the industry supported by three cornerstones: Operational Excellence, Insightful Collaboration with partners through the supply chain, and top notch Safety, Health and Environmental practices.

PortForward proposes a holistic approach that will lead to a smarter, greener and more sustainable port ecosystem and which will include the following features:

- The introduction of an Internet of Things (IoT) concept for port assets (infrastructure, vehicles, cargo, people):
- The socio-economic analysis of the port interface with its surrounding area and the port-city, as well as the rest of the logistics value chain.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The objective of ProKapa is to support logistic service providers with suitable methods and enable them to react flexibly and adaptably to markets becoming more and more dynamic. They are to be enabled to adjust to challenges and innovations of the “Physical Internet“. Expected results of ProKapa are suitable methods and tools for the preliminary planning of transportation needs. Results are a stronger interconnection between data sources and recommendations of actions concerning the adjustment of capacity, the allocation of resources and pricing.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Based on existing supply chains a smart logistics system according to the visions of the Physical Internet will be designed and modelled for the economic regions Styria and Upper Austria.

The research focuses on intelligent networking of senders, carriers and receivers using innovative web technologies (logistics 4.0) as well as a future-oriented, cooperative business model (asset sharing in coopetition). This shall lead to resource efficiency, measurable traffic reduction and increased competitiveness of the region.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner