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AWARD - All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations
Course data
Project Summary, Objectives and Expected Impacts
Project Page in the European Commission Page: Budgets, Type of Project, partners and Reports
ALICE members as partners of AWARD
Project Q&A: Ask Your questions here!
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Presentations, Documents & Leaflets
January 2022: Newsletter #2 - Happy birthday, AWARD!
Acceptance Factors Survey 1 open until 13th of May
June 2021: Newsletter #1 - Our first newsletter is out!
Workshop_Automation in Freight Transport & Logistics User requirements Workshop. 2nd of June 2021
Measuring Efficiency of Automated Road Freight Transport: The AWARD Approach
Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Stakeholder Requirements for Automated Road Transport Logistics
Challenges for Future Automated Logistics Fleet Interactions
Automation Experience at the Workplace
AutoWork 2021: Workshop on the Future of Work and Well-Being with Automated Vehicles
Acceptance is in the Eye of the Stakeholder
La plateforme PAVIN Brouillard Pluie
TeleOperationStation: XR-Exploration of User Interfaces for Remote Automated Vehicle Operation
Investigating Hybrid Site Visits as a Methodology for Multi-Stakeholder Engagement in Contextual Requirements Analysis
Engaging with Automation: Understanding and Designing for Operation, Appropriation, and Behaviour Change
Quadsight® Vision System in Adverse Weather : Maximizing the benefits of visible and thermal cameras
A review of Cerema PAVIN fog & rain platform: from past and back to the future
Use and development of the PAVIN fog and rain platform in the framework of the H2020 AWARD project
Effective remote automated vehicle operation: a mixed reality contextual comparison study
Intervening, Teaming, Delegating: Creating Engaging Automation Experiences
Autonomous vehicles under all weather conditions: steering towards a harmonised legislative framework enabling real-life deployment
Autonomous heavy-duty vehicles in logistics: market trends, opportunities, and barriers
A Quantitative Analysis of Point Clouds from Automotive Lidars Exposed to Artificial Rain and Fog
Analysis of Thermal Imaging Performance under Extreme Foggy Conditions: Applications to Autonomous Driving
Effective remote automated vehicle operation: a mixed reality contextual comparison study
A design space for automated material handling vehicles
Production of Artificial Fog in the PAVIN Fog and Rain Platform: In Search of Big Droplets Fog
UWB Localization Strategies for Autonomous Transport Vehicle Docking Operations
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