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Logistics Networks

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Key logistics stakeholders from seven European cities/logistics hubs (Bordeaux, Frankfurt, Thessaloniki, Trieste, Arad, Bilbao and Vigo) have joined forces to deploy, validate and set-up after project life of five piloted cooperative logistics services combining cooperative mobility services and intelligent cargo with real-life logistical aspects. CO-GISTICS services will increase energy efficiency and equivalent CO2 emissions, bringing additional benefits in road safety and cargo security.To achieve these goals public authorities, fleet operators, freight forwarders, industrial partners and other stakeholders will jointly implement five services: CO2 Footprint Estimation and Monitoring, Cargo Transport Optimisation, Intelligent Truck Parking and Delivery Area Management, Eco-Drive Support, Priority and Speed Advice. These services will be piloted over one year of real life driving.Each of the pilot sites have full stakeholder chain in their partnership for successful after-project life. The user groups will include commercial users, such as truck and van drivers, as well as logistics and fleet operators. In total the consortium aims to pilot 330 vehicles with about 230 users, 300 intelligent cargo items.The service components used have already been developed and extensively trilled. Some of the components are already operational since a number of years while others have been implemented and trialled through research projects.In addition to proving the benefits, the project aims at identifying deployment opportunities, barriers and finding solutions for those. Furthermore, clear business models and exploitation plans will be developed. Last but not least, CO-GISTICS will also take an active role in the relevant standardization bodies, primarily ETSI and CEN.All these aspects hold a promise that CO-GISTICS services will prove extensive benefits to all key stakeholders and prove that sustainable implementation is possible

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The main goal of COG-LO is to create the framework and tools that will add cognition and collaboration features to future logistics processes by: 1) Introducing the Cognitive Logistics Object (CLO) by adding cognitive behavior to all involved Logistics actors and processes; 2) Developing the environment that will allow CLOs to exchange information through ad-hoc social secure networks. The main objectives of COG-LO are: (a) Definition of a Future Cognitive Logistics Objects reference implementation model that supports cognitive logistics behaviour; (b) Design and develop the necessary analytics and cognitive tools that enable complex event detection, context awareness and multi-criteria decision support. (c) To design and develop the collaboration platform based on hybrid ad-hoc social networks of CLOs. (d) To design and develop the COG-LO tools (Cognitive Advisor, which realizes the cognitive behavior of CLO based on the reference implementation model, and Tweeting CLOs, allowing CLOs to exchange information in ad-hoc Social IoT networks); (e) To evaluate the COG-LO results via intermodal, cross-country and urban logistics pilot operations. (f) To introduce new business models for ad-hoc collaborations affecting all logistics stakeholders and create a community of Logistics, ICT and urban environment stakeholders.
The consortium is led by SingularLogic and consists of 14 partners from 8 countries.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

With this research project we combine forces with three universities (VUB, KU Leuven and UHasselt) that have expertise in different aspects of synchromodal transport. The objective is to develop a digital twin to further enhance the synchromodal concept and make synchromodal transport a reality in Flanders to boost the competitiveness and sustainability of its logistics sector.

To date the synchromodal concept remains rather theoretical and it is not well measurable due to the lack of an appropriate platform to provide reliable assessments in a highly dynamic and real- time environment. Such a platform would be able to mimic the current real system, but also simulate how it could evolve. The objective of this project is to develop such a platform in order to test dynamic planning algorithms and communication technologies which are also the main enablers for implementing synchromodal transport.

The platform will operate like a digital twin that mimics the physical reality on a digital platform. It will address questions such as how much to transport, when and by using which transport mode? How can we integrate replenishment decisions and inventory cost calculation within the transport planning process? How can collaboration between shippers and/or logistics service providers in an open logistics network enhance the sustainability and cost-efficiency of supply chains?

The project will focus on organizational and technical enablers for seamless synchromodal transport services in Flanders. Given the real-time dynamics and flexible nature of synchromodal transport, different transport modalities and actors need to work together and adapt according to unexpected events and contextual information that affect transport processes. These events and contextual information are related to negative as well as positive perturbations that shape freight movement and transport mode selection, such as newly incoming orders, transport delays, cancellations, collaborative bundling opportunities, accidents, water levels, strikes and many more.

Crucial elements in this regard are situational awareness of the current system state and projections of how the system will evolve once different actors take different actions. We will consider individual company objectives at micro level and network objectives at macro level.

Our platform will be represented by a digital twin in order to provide a testbed for synchromodal opportunities within a risk-free environment. A digital twin is a virtual environment that mirrors the real physical system (a physical twin) and its processes by updating its virtual real-time status from various sources of information regarding weather forecasts, congestion levels, positions of assets (barges, trains, trucks) and their ongoing working conditions. By means of the digital twin, effects of sensor technology and information exchange can be studied in combination with physical flows. Such a risk free environment allows for analysis and evaluation of triggering events (new orders, disruptions, delays...) which induce physical movements, and vice-versa, physical movements may trigger information flows once certain assets arrive at a specific location or enter a geo-fence.

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Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The Action will implement a real demonstration of a tracking information and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) sharing software in a series of existing rail freight services run by intermodal operators, mainly in the Rhine-Alpine Core Network corridor.
Increased sharing of real-time tracking information and ETA among railway Infrastructure Managers, Railway Undertakings, intermodal operators, terminals and end-users (shippers) is essential to improve the efficiency of the logistics chain and the competitiveness of railway with respect to road transport.
The results of the Action will underpin the work done by Member States and European institutions for eliminating legal, operational and technical obstacles in the electronic exchange of information in Road-Rail Combined Transport.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The overall project goal is to conceptualize and prototypically implement a generic data integration platform for services and applications of the Physical Internet using blockchain technology and taking into account industry-specific requirements. To this end, the needs and requirements of practical partners from three representative industries are recorded and - based on the generic data platform - covered by services to be created. In addition, the actual potential benefits of blockchain technology for PI topics will be investigated. In practical terms, the experimental development is to serve as a significant contribution to the further development of existing transport management systems and contribute to the practical implementation of the Physical Internet concept, as envisaged if the project is successful.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

iCargo IP aims at advancing and extending the use of ICT to support new logistics services that: (i) synchronize vehicle movements and logistics operations across various modes and actors to lower CO2 emissions, (ii) adapt to changing conditions through dynamic planning methods involving intelligent cargo, vehicle and infrastructure systems and (iii) combine services, resources and information from different stakeholders, taking part in an open freight management ecosystem. To achieve the above targets, iCargo will design and implement a decentralized ICT infrastructure that allows real world objects, new planning services including CO2 calculation capabilities and existing systems to co-exist and efficiently co-operate at an affordable cost for logistics stakeholders. iCargo infrastructure will include Intelligent Cargo items to facilitate automated reactive decision-making and to integrate information obtained from on-going execution (all modes) into planning processes to optimize environmental performances, including real-time information about traffic and transport infrastructure conditions. iCargo involves representatives of the main stakeholders in three main areas of activity: (i) research and technological development, involving leading ICT companies and institutes to integrate in iCargo the necessary technology components, including results from key related EU projects, and to develop innovative approaches and business models for co-modal transport environmental optimization and dynamic planning; (ii) implementation, demonstration and validation of three extensive pilots in end-to-end multi-actor intermodal chains, involving users from logistics companies, shippers and public authorities; (iii) extensive dissemination of research results, demonstration and pilot cases validation activities, aimed at transferring iCargo results to the international transport logistics community and supporting take-up and extensive exploitation immediately after the project.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

ICONET will significantly extend state of the art research and development around the Physical Internet concept in pursuit of a new networked architecture for interconnected logistics hubs that combine with IoT capabilities and aiming towards commercial exploitation of results. ICONET strives to achieve the end commercial goal of allowing shipments to be routed towards final destinations automatically, by using collaborative decisions inspired by the information centric networking paradigm, and optimizing efficiency and customer service levels across the whole network. According to this vision, cargo regarded as smart physical packets will flow between hubs based on ‘content’ of the cargo influencing key commercial imperatives such as cost, optimisation, routing, efficiency and advancing EU's Green agenda. Consequently, the consortium are discernibly aimed at three (3) avenues of commercialisation and exploitation from the ICONET innovation, specifically targeted in the areas of

(a) Warehousing as a service

(b) E-commerce fulfillment as a service, and

(c) Synchromodality as a service.

PI based logistic configurations will be simulated, prototyped and validated in the project . Modelling and analysis techniques will be combined with serious game type simulation, physical and digital prototyping, using living lab (LL) requirements scenarios and data. With analyses and simulations, optimal topologies and distribution policies for PI will be determined. The project implementation will be based on a succession of phases of modelling and design/prototyping, learning and experimentation and feedback and interaction with the wider business community, including the ALICE logistics platform as well as members of the partner Associations ESC, UIRR and ELUPEG. Through its Living Labs, the project will address under the PI paradigm both Supply Network Collaboration and Supply Network Coordination.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The EU faces the challenge to maintain and increase its economic growth and cope with the problem of freight transport efficiency in Europe. Integration of transport volumes and modes, better use of capacity, flexibility, resource efficiency and cooperation between all actors along the logistic chain are required.

Aligned with the European policies and the ALICE roadmap, LOGISTAR objective is to allow effective planning and optimizing of transport operations in the supply chain by taking advantage of horizontal collaboration, relying on the increasingly real-time data gathered from the interconnected environment. For this, a real-time decision making tool and a real-time visualization tool of freight transport will be developed, with the purpose of delivering information and services to the various agents involved in the logistic supply chain, i.e. freight transport operators, their clients, industries and other stakeholders such as warehouse or infrastructure managers.

LOGISTAR will address several advances beyond the State of the Art in the interdisciplinary field of the smart algorithms for data processing: Artificial Intelligence focussed onr prediction, parallel hybrid metaheuristics for optimization, automated negotiation techniques, and constraint satisfaction problem solving techniques. The resulting platform will outperform other market products and services such as Freight Exchange Systems, Collaborative Platforms, Transport Control Towers or Routing Systems.

LOGISTARS involves RTD organisations (DEUSTO, UCC, CSIC), technology developers (DNET, SWC), consultancy firms (MDST, PRESTON), ICT services developers (SAG, DBH, GENEGIS) and stakeholders from different stages of the supply chain (AHLERS, ZAILOG, NESTLÉ, PLADIS, CODOGNOTTO).

The duration of the project is estimated to be 36 months and has an approximate budget of 5 million euros.

For further information you can vistit the project website:  https://logistar-project.eu

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

NEXTRUST objective is to increase efficiency and sustainability in logistics by developing interconnected trusted collaborative networks along the entire supply chain. These trusted networks, built horizontally and vertically, will fully integrate shippers, LSPs and intermodal operators as equal partners. To reach a high level of sustainability, we will not only bundle freight volumes, but shift them off the road to intermodal rail and waterway. NEXTRUST will build these trusted networks ideally bottom up, with like-minded partners, adding multiple layers of transport flows that have been de-coupled and then re-connected more effectively along the supply chain. We will develop C-ITS cloud based smart visibility software to support the re-engineering of the networks, improving real-time utilization of transport assets. NEXTRUST will focus on research activities that create stickiness for collaboration in the market, validated through pilot cases in live conditions. The action engages major shippers as partners (Beiersdorf, Borealis, Colruyt, Delhaize, KC, Mondelez, Panasonic, Philips, Unilever) owning freight volumes well over 1.000.000 annual truck movements across Europe, plus SME shippers and LSPs with a track record in ICT innovation. The pilot cases cover the entire scope of the call and cover a broad cross section of entire supply chain (from raw material to end-consumers) for multiple industries. The creation and validation of trusted collaborative networks will be market oriented and implemented at an accelerated rate for high impact. We expect our pilot cases to reduce deliveries by 20%-40% and with modal shift to reduce GHG emissions by 40%-70%. Load factors will increase by 50%-60% given our emphasis on back-load/modal shift initiatives. NEXTRUST will achieve a high impact with improved asset utilization and logistics cost efficiency, creating a sustainable, competitive arena for European logistics that will be an inspirational example for the market.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

PLANET addresses the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and ensuring effective integration of the European to the Global Network by focusing in two key R&D pillars:

  • A Geo-economics approach, modelling and specifying the dynamics of new trade routes and its impacts on logistics infrastructure & operations, with specific reference to TEN-T, including peripheral regions and landlocked developing countries;
  • An EU-Global network enablement through disruptive concepts and technologies (IoT, Blockchain and Physical Internet, 5G, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles /automation, hyperloop) which can shape its future and address its shortcomings, aligned to the DTLF concept of a federated network of T&L platforms.
PLANET goes beyond strategic transport studies, and ICT for transport research, by rigorously modelling, analysing, demonstrating & assessing their interactions and dynamics thus, providing a more realistic view of the emerging T&L environment. The project employs 3 EU-global real-world corridor Living Labs including sea and rail for intercontinental connection and provides the experimentation environment for designing and exploiting future PI-oriented Integrated Green EU-Global T&L Networks [EGTN]. To facilitate this process, PLANET delivers a Symbiotic Digital Clone for EGTNs, as an open collaborative planning tool for TEN-T Corridor participants, infrastructure planners, and industry/technology strategists.

PLANET also delivers an Active Blueprint and Road Map, providing guidance and building public & private actor capacity towards the realisation of EGTNs, and facilitating the development of disadvantaged regions. The project engages major T&L stakeholders, contributing to both strategy and technology and (importantly) has the industry weight and influence to create industry momentum in Federated Logistics and TEN-T’s integration into the Global Network.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Ports are a great example of heterogeneous information hubs. Multiple stakeholders operate inside and outside them with different motivations and businesses. Although document and data interchange is already in place through Port Community Systems (PCS), the interchange is limited to official documentation and services of the Port Authority, such as custom declarations, import/export of cargo, and other formal documents. However, an effective integration of operational data is far from optimal in most ports, and especially so in medium or small ports, where budget is limited and IT services usually is outsourced.

In contrast, the available operational data (resources tracking, container status, vessel operations, surface or berth available, air/water quality measurements,...) is constantly increasing and technology is getting inexpensive and widely available. However, the application of such systems is still single-entity centric, since the information is not shared, keeping the real potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 hidden. The same holds for geographic areas surrounding ports, where Smart Cities integrate various data systems and provide valuable services to citizens and authorities.

PIXEL will enable a two-way collaboration of ports, multimodal transport agents and cities for optimal use of internal and external resources, sustainable economic growth and environmental impact mitigation, towards the Ports of the Future. PIXEL will leverage technological enablers to voluntary exchange data among ports and stakeholders, thus ensuring a measurable benefit in this process. The main outcome of this technology will be efficient use of resources in ports, sustainable development and green growth of ports and surrounding cities/regions.

Built on top of the state-of-the art interoperability technologies, PIXEL will centralise data from the different information silos where internal and external stakeholders store their operational information.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The Port of the Future will be able to enhance sustainable development and to manage the resources to be invested and their employment for a competitive advantage. Therefore, the port of the future must be oriented to port community and have an operative strategic capability to work, in line with European purposes, on the following:
- Smart, through ICT solutions, because it is important to improvement exchange of information flows between port and port community;
- Interconnected with the use of a combination of different modes of transport and the integration of different technologies, because it is important to achieve better monitoring and controlling of the freight flows;
- Green through the adoption of green technologies because it is important to reduce the environmental impact of port operations saving the resources.

All in all, sustainable development is the present and future for ports that want to lead the industry supported by three cornerstones: Operational Excellence, Insightful Collaboration with partners through the supply chain, and top notch Safety, Health and Environmental practices.

PortForward proposes a holistic approach that will lead to a smarter, greener and more sustainable port ecosystem and which will include the following features:

- The introduction of an Internet of Things (IoT) concept for port assets (infrastructure, vehicles, cargo, people):
- The socio-economic analysis of the port interface with its surrounding area and the port-city, as well as the rest of the logistics value chain.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The objective of ProKapa is to support logistic service providers with suitable methods and enable them to react flexibly and adaptably to markets becoming more and more dynamic. They are to be enabled to adjust to challenges and innovations of the “Physical Internet“. Expected results of ProKapa are suitable methods and tools for the preliminary planning of transportation needs. Results are a stronger interconnection between data sources and recommendations of actions concerning the adjustment of capacity, the allocation of resources and pricing.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Based on existing supply chains a smart logistics system according to the visions of the Physical Internet will be designed and modelled for the economic regions Styria and Upper Austria.

The research focuses on intelligent networking of senders, carriers and receivers using innovative web technologies (logistics 4.0) as well as a future-oriented, cooperative business model (asset sharing in coopetition). This shall lead to resource efficiency, measurable traffic reduction and increased competitiveness of the region.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

SELIS is aimed at delivering a ‘platform for pan-European logistics applications’ by:
- Embracing a wide spectrum of logistics perspectives and creating a unifying operational and strategic business innovation agenda for pan European Green Logistics.
- Establishing an exceptionally strong consortium of logistics stakeholders and ICT providers, that can leverage EU IP from over 40 projects so as to create proof of concept Common Communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics applications in month 18 deployed in 8 living labs (LLs) representing the principal logistics communities..
- Establishing a research and innovation environment using the LLs to provide data than can be used for discovery of new insights that will enable continuous value creation supporting the large scale adoption of SELIS.

The proposed Shared European Logistics Intelligent Information Space, SELIS, is a network of logistic communities’ specific shared intelligent information spaces termed SELIS Community Nodes (SCN). SCNs are constructed by individual logistics communities to facilitate the next generation of collaborative, responsive and agile green transportation chains. SCNs link with their participants’ existing systems through a secure infrastructure and provide shared information and tools for data acquisition and use, according to a 'cooperation agreement'. Connected nodes, provide a distributed common communication and navigation platform for Pan European logistics applications. Each Node decides what information wishes to publish and what information wants to subscribe to.

The SELIS Community Node (SCN) concept represents the evolution of a longline of research in this area. The fundamental principle is that it provides a ‘lightweight ICT structure’ to enable information sharing for collaborative sustainable logistics for all at strategic and operational levels.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

StandPI enables the efficient usage of Crowdsourcing Delivery for the loading industry. Therefore, internal and external system parameters will be continuously monitored and these real-time data will be further processed by a machine learning algorithm. By the means of this algorithm, the matching of the loader’s product supply and the dynamically available transportation capacities concerning Crowdsourcing Delivery will be optimized. Eventually, in contrast to the nowadays commonly used sequentially controlling and optimization of the transportation and inner logistics systems, the aim of this research project is a self-learning controlling, which acts at the interface of this system, concerning a cross-system optimization. Hence, consistent exploitation of the remaining capacities of vehicles en route will significantly contribute to economical, ecological and social sustainability concerning physical distribution.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

SYNCHRO-NET will demonstrate how a powerful and innovative SYNCHRO-modal supply chain eco-NET can catalyse the uptake of the slow steaming concept and synchro-modality, guaranteeing cost-effective robust solutions that de-stress the supply chain to reduce emissions and costs for logistics operations while simultaneously increasing reliability and service levels for logistics users.

The core of the SYNCHRO-NET solution will be an integrated optimisation and simulation eco-net, incorporating: real-time synchro-modal logistics optimisation (e-Freight-enabled); slow steaming ship simulation & control systems; synchro-modal risk/benefit analysis statistical modelling; dynamic stakeholder impact assessment solution; and a synchro-operability communications and governance architecture.

Perhaps the most important output of SYNCHRO-NET will be the demonstration that slow steaming, coupled with synchro-modal logistics optimisation delivers amazing benefits to all stakeholders in the supply chain: massive reduction in emissions for shipping and land-based transport due to modal shift to greener modes AND optimised planning processes leading to reduced empty kms for trucks and fewer wasted repositioning movements.

This will lead to lower costs for ALL stakeholders – shipping companies and logistics operators will benefit from massive reduction in fuel usage, faster turnaround times in ports & terminals and increased resource utilisation/efficiency. Customers and end users will have greater control of their supply chain, leading to more reliable replenishment activity and therefore reduced safety stocks and expensive warehousing. Authorities and governmental organisations will benefit from a smoother, more controlled flow of goods through busy terminals, and reduction of congestion on major roads, thus maximising the utilisation of current infrastructure and making the resourcing of vital activities such as import/export control, policing and border security less costly.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

In 2017 the comprehensive view on the Physical Internet from the IPIC conference merged with the technical and intralogistic view from the Logistikwerkstatt Graz for a promising format. Both the IPIC and the Logistikwerkstatt Graz are well established international conferences with broad contribution from industry and research. The purpose of our fourth Physical Internet conference was to bring together all interested parties and continue sharing of ideas to further build foundations and momentum towards the emergence of efficient and sustainable interconnected logistics. The Institute of Logistics Engineering (ITL) at Graz University of Technology hosted this international event July 4-6, 2017 in Austria on its campus.

The conference included keynotes from key stakeholders of supply chains (manufacturers, retailers, 3PL and academics) and stimulated the discussions in several workshop sessions. New business models, enabling technologies and experimentations already underway were presented, making this meeting a unique opportunity to learn, network and discuss the latest results and challenges about interconnected logistics.

In this content area you will find all contributions made to IPIC 2017 in Graz www.pi.events/IPIC2017/

Skill Level: Beginner

In this section you will find Reference Documents on the Physical Internet

Skill Level: Beginner