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Logistics Nodes

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The Innovation Marketplace aims to connect innovation seekers looking for solutions to solve their pain points and challenges and solution owners TRL7+ Wiling to advance their solutions to the market.

It also gather Implementation Cases, i.e. success stories of companies and entrepreneurs that have implemented R&I results into market applications.

Skill Level: Beginner

Automated vehicles, rolling stock and vessels, as well as related transhipment automated processes, are developed independently within the various transport modes and sectors. This creates gaps and disconnections in the actual use within the logistics operations, missing concrete new operational models and opportunities for end-to-end logistics, which may support adoption and contributing to system integration and decarbonisation.

Automation will change the way goods flow across all modes (possibly encouraging modal shifts to coastal shipping modes/smaller vessel fleets, inland waterways transport, railway transport, or alternative road transport usages) and is not well explored in terms of opportunities for the logistics supply chains and enabling increased usage of vehicles and infrastructures. A high level of operational automation can be reached in terminals and hubs (e.g. node-to-node operations undertaken in inland hubs, multimodal depots, logistics terminals, freight consolidation facilities), which offer controlled environments and repeatable processes but also in the operational domain of processes occurring in those places.

Category: Funding Calls
Skill Level: Beginner

Specific Challenge:

A clear commitment of the European Green Deal is that “transport should become drastically less polluting”, highlighting in particular the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in aviation and waterborne transport. In aviation, traffic volumes are expected to increase significantly by 2050 and the sector is already generating 14% of the EU GHG emissions from transport. At the same time, waterborne transport is accounting for approximately 90% of global trade and 13% of EU transport GHG emissions, while also experiencing continuous growth. In this context, airports, maritime and inland ports play a major role, both as inter-connection points in the respective transport networks, but also as major multimodal nodes, logistics hubs and commercial sites, linking with other transport modes, hinterland connections and integrated with cities. As such, green airports and ports, as multimodal hubs in the post COVID-19 era for sustainable and smart mobility have a great potential to immediately start driving the transition towards GHG neutral aviation, shipping and wider multimodal mobility already by 2025. This topic addresses innovative concepts and solutions for airports and ports, in order to urgently reduce transport GHG emissions and increase their contribution to mitigating climate change.

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Category: Funding Calls
Skill Level: Beginner

Ponera Group has developed a unique logistic solution based on an innovative design of pallets’ system which decreases packing costs by minimizing the transport inefficiencies. The flexibility of this innovation makes it applicable to wide range of industries.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Cloud logistic solution that enable collaborative logistics across networks

MIXMOVE is a company providing a suite of logistics solutions for intelligent, horizontal collaboration between shipper, carrier, hub, distributor and the end customer. The Match solution provided by the company is able to increase load factors by optimising the preparation of modular loading units in different hubs, thus allowing to reduce half-empty trucks. This is a credible example of handling modular units and reconfiguration node operations in a systemic approach, optimising the cargo capacities, reducing manual handling and enabling end-to-end supply chain visibility and control. This logistics process is based on splitting logistics units down to parcel level so that cross-docking can be used to produce logistics units with vastly improved load factors. It provides the necessary functionalities to run the logistic network, such as TMS, WMS, and a supply chain dashboard. The solution is suitable for shippers and logistics service providers with complex logistics operations and high volume.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Flexible logistics solutions for growing online stores.

It makes it possible for small shippers and online retailers to easily outsource their entire physical goods warehousing and logistics.

The company provides the entire warehousing and logistics package: warehouse and maintain stock, send goods globally with the best possible freight forwarders, and provide a variety of added value services usually available only for larger retailers.

OGOship is a 3PL company providing outsourced logistics for e-commerce in flexible a transparent way, therefore enabling the access to a large logistics network bringing value of consolidation for a large number of small shippers.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Professional marketplace designed for on demand logistics services

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

CONTAI connected logistics solution handles central part of urban freight transport utilizing variety of vehicles from cargo bike to van and AMR mobile robot, including cargo unit loading from plain ground. Manned or unmanned towards the near-future Physical Internet.
CONTAI is a logistics system that allows the load units to be independently, even autonomously docked, loaded, lashed transported, unloaded and parked by multiple types of vehicles.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner
Platform that allows companies to share unused warehouse space
Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

First on-the-way delivery network providing a new crowdshipping model.

The app-based community utilizes unused capacity in passenger vehicles, connecting people with stuff to send with drivers already heading in that direction. Simply put, Roadie is a faster, cheaper, friendlier way to get your goods, no matter its shape or size, from where it is to where it needs to be.

The Roadie app enables efficient, low-cost delivery for senders and rewards drivers for trips they were already taking, offering members of the community a variety of benefits including free roadside assistance, roadside discounts, and tax write-offs on miles they were already driving.

Roadie works with top retailers, airlines, and grocers to provide them with a faster, more efficient, and more scalable solution for same-day and last-mile deliveries nationwide. Since the launch in 2015, the company delivered everything from cupcakes to couches to customers in more than 9,000 cities nationwide — a larger footprint than Amazon Prime. 

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Visualize,quantify,optimize flows and stock locations of the products in WH

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Block Chain pioneer in port related logistics in Flanders

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

Passive cooling transport units.

Etheclo is pioneer in passive cooling transport units that are boxes that  can be customized in dimensions, reused from 150 to 250 times and guarantees temperature compliancy up to 36 hours; each box has a unique GS1 barcode for optimal storage management and can be optionally equipped with an integrated temperature sensor that can be followed online in real-time. The passive aspect of the cooling unit can act as a lever to adopt new ways of realizing urban freight concepts however, also for sensitive goods. It certainly could be a solution to combine different kind of loads and to increase the load factor.

Category: PI Companies
Skill Level: Beginner

This project aims at developing and enabling to deploy a safe autonomous transportation systems in a wide range of real-life use cases in a variety of different scenarios.

The main objectives of this project are: to ensure that the AWARD solutions will address logistics needs; to develop a safe and scalable autonomous driving system able to manage harsh weather conditions, qualified for heavy-duty vehicles; to improve efficiency of logistics operations with autonomous heavy-duty vehicles; to perform innovative autonomous heavy-duty vehicles missions in real logistics operations; to provide insights and recommendations on the standardisation and harmonisation of certification processes and type approval.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

ATROPINE aims to join forces with research and corporate partners to create a Physical Internet model region in Upper Austria. Partial areas of this concern, for example, ′smarte′ load carriers, which can communicate with means of transport and/or shippers and transporters, and innovative business models, which promote the idea of a ′Sharing Economy′ Overall, the benefits of a Physical Internet system lie in the development of a more efficient and sustainable cooperation model for the transport of goods in order to minimise transport costs, increase productivity and reduce energy consumption at the same time. The ATROPINE project gives companies and research institutions in the Upper Austrian economic region the opportunity to be among the first in the new research field ′Physical Internet′ and to develop expertise.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The proposed project aims to establish the rail system as a backbone within the increasingly volatile environment of the Physical Internet (PI). By early anticipation of uncertainties (order quantities, follow-up transports, waiting times etc.) the wagon transforms to a flexible, modular and profitable core element of the fully integrated and dynamic transport system. To ensure high capability to service increasingly spontaneous transport orders (“sharing platform” etc.) and smaller batches (“industry 4.0” etc.), lead times have to be minimized and modularization of transports has to be promoted. Thus, the objective is to continuously and proactively adjust capacities and distribute resources through an extensive data usage (“intelligent wagons”, horizontal/vertical cooperation, “intelligent traffic systems”) and a (semi-)automatic processing of these data. In this way, an economic added value for additional shippers (smaller batches with increasing urgency) can be generated and thus, a modal shift from road to rail will be obtained

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

The VitalNodes CSA will build a lasting European network of key stakeholders based on existing European, national and regional networks. By enriching and applying a proven approach for the optimisation of economic, social and environmental vitality of urban areas from the perspective of multimodal transport infrastructure and spatial development (‘Networking for Urban Vitality’, NUVit). VitalNodes will deliver evidence-based recommendations for more (cost) efficient and sustainable integration of all 88 urban nodes in the TEN-T network corridors, addressing specifically the multi- and intermodal connection between long-distance and last-mile freight logistics. These recommendations will be validated by applying an appraisal tool and involving experts from the growing VitalNodes network.

VitalNodes will deliver three major results:
1. a self-sustaining ‘network of networks’ consisting of experts, end-users and case-owners;
2. a proven VitalNodes approach for future cases consisting of an enriched and fine-tuned toolbox, an appraisal methodology, and a format for workshops and deployment strategy;
3. validated recommendations on integration of urban nodes in TEN-T core network corridors.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Clusters 2.0. vision is to leverage the full potential of European Logistics Clusters for an efficient and fully integrated transport system in Europe making optimal use of an Open Network of Logistics Clusters and hubs starting with. Zaragoza (PLAZA), Duisburg (Duisport), Lille (Dourges), Bologna-Trieste (Interporto/port of Trieste), Brussels (BruCargo), London (Heathrow), Pireaus (PCT), Trelleborg (Port), while keeping neutral the environmental and local impacts such as congestion, noise, land use and local pollution levels.
Cluster 2.0 objectives and areas of intervention are:
Increase the engagement, performance and coordination of terminals and hubs at cluster level targeting: i) increase by 50% the freight managed in the cluster whit current infrastructure, ii) Double the value added activities and iii) increase economic impact in local economies by 5% yearly while keeping neutral local environmental impacts. Build a hyper connected network of logistics hubs and clusters targeting: i) increase average door-to-door vehicle load factor up to 75%, ii) increase intermodal transport in the network by 40%. Develop low cost, low capital and investment intensive transhipment enhanced solutions to reduce operational costs of transhipment by 30 %. Develop prototypes of New Modular Load Units as enhancers of the above objectives.Develop terminal management systems to increase management capacity of the terminals by 20% and reduce associated congestion by 10%. Establish and run 5 Living Labs (LLs) to test, improve an validate proposed solutions as well as to and Develop Business Models and Robust Business Plans for Clusters 2.0 solutions.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Key logistics stakeholders from seven European cities/logistics hubs (Bordeaux, Frankfurt, Thessaloniki, Trieste, Arad, Bilbao and Vigo) have joined forces to deploy, validate and set-up after project life of five piloted cooperative logistics services combining cooperative mobility services and intelligent cargo with real-life logistical aspects. CO-GISTICS services will increase energy efficiency and equivalent CO2 emissions, bringing additional benefits in road safety and cargo security.To achieve these goals public authorities, fleet operators, freight forwarders, industrial partners and other stakeholders will jointly implement five services: CO2 Footprint Estimation and Monitoring, Cargo Transport Optimisation, Intelligent Truck Parking and Delivery Area Management, Eco-Drive Support, Priority and Speed Advice. These services will be piloted over one year of real life driving.Each of the pilot sites have full stakeholder chain in their partnership for successful after-project life. The user groups will include commercial users, such as truck and van drivers, as well as logistics and fleet operators. In total the consortium aims to pilot 330 vehicles with about 230 users, 300 intelligent cargo items.The service components used have already been developed and extensively trilled. Some of the components are already operational since a number of years while others have been implemented and trialled through research projects.In addition to proving the benefits, the project aims at identifying deployment opportunities, barriers and finding solutions for those. Furthermore, clear business models and exploitation plans will be developed. Last but not least, CO-GISTICS will also take an active role in the relevant standardization bodies, primarily ETSI and CEN.All these aspects hold a promise that CO-GISTICS services will prove extensive benefits to all key stakeholders and prove that sustainable implementation is possible

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner

Ports are essential for the European economy; 74% of goods exported or imported to the EU are transported via its seaports. At the same time, the challenges they face are only getting greater: Volumes of cargo increase while they also arrive in a shrinking number of vessels: Post-Panamax vessels have a capacity of more than 18k containers. Port operators need to comply with increasingly stricter environmental regulations and societal views for sustainability. A sustainable land-use strategy in and around the port and a strategic transition to new, service-based, management models that improve capacity and efficiency are paramount. They are key enablers for ports that want to keep pace with the ocean carriers needs and establish themselves as trans-shipment hubs with a ‘societal license to operate’; for ports whose land strategy, hinterland accessibility and operations are underpinned by circular economy principles. COREALIS proposes a strategic, innovative framework, supported by disruptive technologies, including IoT, data analytics, next generation traffic management and 5G,for modern ports to handle future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges. It respects their limitations regarding the port land, intermodal infrastructure and terminal operation. It proposes beyond state of the art innovations to increase efficiency and optimize land-use, while being financially viable, respecting circular economy and being of service to the city. Through COREALIS, the port will minimize its environmental footprint to the city, it will decrease disturbance to local population through a reduction in the congestion around the port. It will be a pillar of business innovation, promoting local startups in disruptive technologies of mutual interest. COREALIS innovations are key both for the major deep sea European ports in view of the new mega-vessel era, but also relevant for medium sized ports with limited investment funds for infrastructure and automation.

Category: Projects
Skill Level: Beginner