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Section outline

  • Session 2 - Tuesday, June 13, 2023 | 15:30 - 17:00

    • Moderator: Russell G. Thompson. Professor in Transport Engineering. The University of Melbourne

      • Modeling and optimization of the omnichannel retailing problem. Joyce Zhang. Post-doctoral fellow. The University of Melbourne
      • Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Circular Supply Chains. Ziqing Wu. PhD Student. IMT Mines Albi
      • Surfing the Physical Internet with Hyperconnected Logistics Networks. Nidhima Grover. PhD student. Georgia Institute of Technology
      • Leveraging Customer Conversion Behavior in Hyperconnected Networks. Jisoo Park. PhD Candidate. Georgia Institute of Technology

    • Moderator: Joris Finck - imec; Philippe Michiels - imec 

      • PILL: the road towards a Physical Internet framework, Joris Finck - imec; Philippe Michiels - imec 
      • The PI-client: a blueprint for Physical Internet, Philippe Michiels – imec
      • Simulation of a decentralised network, Shiqi Sun – VUB Mobilise; Vitor Lemos – imec
      • Validation of the PI-client and first PI-application, Dries Van Bever – imec

    • Moderator: Wout Hofman. Senior scientist. TNO, Dutch National Institute for Applied Science

      • A Proposal and Evaluation of a Digital Twin Framework for PI-Hubs using Re-enforcement Learning based Multi-Agent Systems Model. Anshul Vijay. PhD Candidate. The University of Melbourne
      • Environmental impact assessment of intercontinental transport network with digital twin under PI framework. David Cipres. Responsible for the Digital Transformation research line. Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITAINNOVA)
      • Hyperconnected and Autonomous Distribution System for Societally Critical Products. Sahrish Jaleel Shaikh. Graduate Research Assistant. Georgia Institute of Technology
      • Digital Twin for reducing emissions: the Port of Barcelona pilot. Chiara Saragani. PhD Candidate in Digitalization. CENIT (CIMNE), Port of Barcelona

    • Moderator: Magnus Blinge, Scania, Vice Chair of ALICE Urban Logistics Group

      • The Urban Cloud:  Linking city services, cloud computing, and the Physical Internet to achieve smart city objectives. J. Rod Franklin. Professor of Logistics Practice. Kuehne Logistics University gGmbH
      • Dynamic resource deployment in hyperconnected parcel logistic hub networks. Yujia Xu. PH.D. student, Graduate research assistant. Georgia Tech H. Milton Stewart School of ISyE
      • An Artificial Intelligence-based software module for the optimization of collaborative delivery in last-mile logistics. Jenny Fajardo Calderín. Assistant Professor. University of Deusto