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Section outline

  • Session 6 - Thursday, June 15, 2023 | 9:00 - 10:30

    • Moderator: Anike Murrenhoff, Intralogistics and Artificial Intelligence at Fraunhofer IML

      • Kit Fulfillment Centers Serving Distributed Small-Series Assembly Centers in Hyperconnected Supply Chain Networks. Mingze Li. Graduate Research Assistant. Georgia Institute of Technology
      • Modeling and Simulation of an Agile Assembly Center in a Physical Internet inspired Manufacturing System. Miguel Campos. Graduate Research Assistant. Physical Internet Center, Georgia Institute of Technology

    • Moderator: Giannis Kanellopoulos, Logistics & Maritime Unit Leader at ISense Group (ICCS), ALICE vice-chair, 5G logistics applications

      • Automating vessels berthing, docking and stevedorage operations: The MOSES project. Margarita Kostovasili. Scientific Project Manager. ICCS/NTUA
      • 5G-enabled innovation in ports’ logistics: expectations from the 5G-LOGINNOV Project and relevance for the Physical Internet. Piergiuseppe Di Gregorio. Young Researcher & Project Manager. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
      • Small and medium automated ports - the future of intermodal logistics, AEGIS. Harilaos N. Psaraftis. Professor. Technical University of Denmark

    • Moderator: Jaco Voorspuij. Chief Consulting. FixLog – Fixing (your) logistics

      • Scan4Transport: Connecting the transport unit to its digital twin. Jaco Voorspuij. Chief Consulting. FixLog – Fixing (your) logistics
      • PI Containers: Assessment of Functions and Development from an Engineering Design Related Perspective. Gerald Mahringer. University Assistant. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Logistics Engineering, Austria
      • PONERA use cases presentations. Matthew Reali.

    • Moderator: Hans, Schurmans, Proximus, Our experiences with Consolidated Urban Logistics Transport 

      • Identification of cargo bikes and drones related challenges, potential strengths and benefits to achieve sustainable futures. Ioannis Chatziioannou. Post-doctoral Researcher. National Technical University of Athens, Department of Geography and Regional Planning, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
      • GREEN-LOG Cooperative and Interconnected Green delivery solutions towards an era of optimized zero emission last mile Logistics. Amalia Ntemou. Project Manager. Netcompany-Intrasoft S.A 
      • Hyperconnected Urban Parcel Delivery Network Design with Tight Delivery Service Requirements. Johan Leveque. Head of R&D. La Poste Group
      • Enabling the PI to solve multi-layered problems of the Last Mile Logistics. Katharina Beck. Research Assistant. Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).  Javi Esquillor. Flows & scales. Capillar IT