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  • Why is this Project Relevant for ALICE & Physical Internet?

    Develop and demonstrate new technologies, concepts and architectures for complete vehicles with optimised aerodynamics, powertrains and safety systems as well as flexible and adaptable loading units with advanced interconnectedness contributing to the vision of a PI

    • Starting back in the early 2020’s, AEROFLEX has since achieved its goal: ensuring the right truck – with the right cargo – at the right time – on the right road, by 2030. How? Through actively starting the development of Intelligent Access Policies and introducing it step-by-step throughout Europe…


      One of the most relevant aspects raised by this project is the “Smart Loading Units” concept. It aims to design cargo units that can be used interchangeably in different transport modes (road, rail and sea), and to enable both vertical and horizontal handling. In short, what is intended with this standardization is to simplify the modal exchanges that take place in the logistic nodes, reducing friction and increasing efficiency. Therefore, it implies a higher level of transport modes harmonization.

      As mentioned, the definition of standard cargo units for their use in different transport modes in the simplest way is the first step to a harmonisation along with the transport network (including nodes operation). (Generation 0)

      The design and development of standardised intermodal cargo units can define and establish the infrastructural and equipment requirements to handle them in a cost-efficient and sustainable way. (Generation 1)

      A step further, this cargo harmonisation will lead to defining standard operation procedures (and policy frameworks) to implement in all different nodes along with the network, resulting in a much more compact and fluid transport chain. (Generation 2)

      Currently, there is some automated equipment to handle standard cargo units (i. e. containers). In this context, a higher level of automation is foreseen related to the equipment used to handle the “Smart Loading Units” defined in this project. At the same time, imminent and future technological progress in areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning provides a certain degree of autonomy in the operation of the equipment used. (Generation 3)

      Currently, there is some automated equipment to handle standard cargo units (i. e. containers). In this context, a higher level of automation is foreseen related to the equipment used to handle the “Smart Loading Units” defined in this project. At the same time, Technological progress in areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning provides a certain degree of autonomy in the operation of the equipment used. (Generation 4)


      The project addresses three important aspects to consider in multimodal / synchromodal freight transport: the development of load units for indistinct and flexible use in different modes (road, rail and sea); the load space optimization (including the double floor trailer concept), and its monitoring; and, the modularization of the loading units, to simplify the loading / unloading operation. All of them are critical for developing and achieving optimized transport and operational services, with high levels of integration between them.

      Therefore, the results to obtain by the project are foreseen with a great impact on the concept of Physical internet."

      The development of both flexible load units for different modes and modular load units allows to optimize all the freight transport operations, and especially those which are carried out in logistics platforms related to modal exchange and load consolidation / deconsolidation. (Generation 0)

      In line with the above, any process that entails higher levels of load unit standardization and modularization considerably simplifies the operations associated with the modal exchange, and therefore, paves the way towards the concept of real synchromodality. (Generation 1)

      The next step will be the establishment of operational protocols related to the new load units will be critical to optimize the intermodal exchange activities and to simplify the traceability process. (Generation 2)

      The use of standardized and modularized cargo units would be supported by the use of machine learning technologies in order to facilitate the automated planning and design of transport operations (dispatch, assignment, etc.). (Generation 3)

      The development of load unit standards and their modularization make it possible to define clear protocols for handling, reducing the possible casuistry, and, consequently, allowing a greater degree of operation automation. (Generation 4)

      In the same way, the criteria considered for the development of this technology may be established as critical factors in the automotive sector (freight transport vehicles manufacturers). Therefore, in short, it could involve a general and basic protocol for freight vehicles design.