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  • The transport sector contributes to about 25% of total CO2 emissions in the EU and is the only sector where the trend is still increasing. Taking into account the growing demand on the road transport system and the ambitious targets of the EC’s Transport White Paper, it is paramount to increase the efficiency of freight transport.

    The vision of the AEROFLEX project is to support vehicle manufacturers and the logistics industry to achieve the coming challenges for road transport. The overall objective of the AEROFLEX project is to develop and demonstrate new technologies, concepts and architectures for complete vehicles with optimised aerodynamics, powertrains and safety systems as well as flexible and adaptable loading units with advanced interconnectedness contributing to the vision of a “physical internet”. The optimal matching of novel vehicle concepts and infrastructures is highly important, requiring the definition of smart infrastructure access policies for the next generation of trucks, load carriers and road infrastructure.

    The specific technical objectives, main innovations and targeted key results are:

    1. Characterise the European freight transport market (map, quantify and predict), the drivers, the constraints, the trends, and the mode and vehicle choice criteria.
    2. Develop new concepts and technologies for trucks with reduced drag, which are safer, comfortable, configurable and cost effective and ensure satisfaction of intermodal customer needs under varying transport tasks and conditions.
    3. Demonstrate potential truck aerodynamics and energy management improvements with associated impact assessments of the new vehicle concepts, technologies and features developed in the AEROFLEX project.
    4. Drafting of coherent recommendations for revising standards and legislative frameworks in order to allow the new aerodynamic and flexible vehicle concepts on the road.

    The AEROFLEX project will develop the knowledge, concepts and technology to improve the efficiency of long-range freight vehicles by 18-33% while drawing up recommendations for implementing the results within European regulations and in the transport & logistic industry.

    The overall efficiency target is broken down as follows:

    • 4-5% energy saving by separate platforms;
    • 4-6% energy saving by using loading space more effectively;
    • 5-12% energy efficiency improvement from the integration of more flexible, advanced powertrains;
    • 5-10% reduction in energy consumption through improved truck aerodynamics;
    • standardised interfaces and the resulting sharing of components leading to higher economies of scale;
    • front end designs to ensure survivability in crashes up to 50 km/h for occupants and vulnerable road users.


    •  ChalmersFraunhofer       ChalmersTNO   Volvo     UIRR    

    • On the 28th of September 2021 a very successful event was organised at the ZF Test Track in Jeversen, Germany. During the full-packed day, over 80 guests attended the event live at the ZF location and another 100 to 200 guests from all around the world joined online. During this hybrid-event, several presentations about the processes of the project and the project results were shared with the audience. To have a look at the presentations, please click hereThe livestream can be seen via Youtube or below  , ,  

      The drone footage shot can be found below 

      , .

  • Moderated by Ben Kraaijenhagen, BeCat & AEROFLEX project Technical Coordinator

    • Ben Kraaijenhagen, Introduction and update on AEROFLEX project
    • Andreas Lischke, DRL and Christoph Jessberger, MAN Truck & Bus. Impact of High-Capacity Vehicles on the future developments in the logistics sector
    • Agnes Eiband, Fraunhofer IML. Optimization of trailer loading with PUZZLE
    • Pierre de Rochambeau & Gafur Zymeri, ZF Group. Cargo Volume Detection


  • Agenda, presentations and recorded session:

    • More information on Agenda and Speakers

      The recording of the webinar is available in the following link

      The presentation used in the webinar is available in the following link

    • Highlighted project deliverables:

    • In this link you will have access to all project deliverables and documents on top of the ones highlighted above

    • The results of the deliverable 1.1 are used in other work packages to support the selection of use cases. A first stakeholder workshop has shown that it is difficult to translate the requirements of the logistics service providers directly into technical details of new vehicle concepts

    • As one of the main objectives of the AEROFLEX project is to develop a road map to realize an efficiency increase in logistics of up to 33%, subtask 1.2 of working package 1 examined whether savings potentials were to be expected if high capacity vehicles according to the European Modular System (EMS) as currently permitted would be useable in European logistics, i.e. can new vehicle concepts contribute to yielding transport cost and CO2 emission savings? T

    • AEROFLEX aims to reduce fuel consumption of EMS vehicles by advanced powertrain technology. A key idea is to combine the combustion engine of the pulling vehicle with electric drives in different vehicle units, thereby creating a distributed hybrid drive. In turn AEROFLEX vehicles would allow a flexible combination of vehicle units which bring their own driveline into the combination.

    • In AEROFLEX  a framework for an efficient operation of distributed powertrains in long haul EMS vehicles is developed. This framework is referred to as Advanced Energy Management Powertrain (AEMPT). After presenting general requirements to such systems in D2.1, the present report D2.2 outlines a proposal for the technical solution.

    • Description of different concepts, with the aim of reducing the aerodynamic drag for heavy trucks, and provides initial estimates of the drag reduction potential of the concepts.

    • Description of the CFD simulations performed to demonstrate the effect of various concepts, on aerodynamic drag for two types of heavy truck vehicle combinations, namely a Tractor-semitrailer and a Truck -dolly -semitrailer EMS1 (25.25m) combination. The results of the simulations are used as a basis for selection of suitable combinations of concepts to fulfil the prescribed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

    • Description of the basis for selection of the components and technologies for implementation on the EMS 25.25m demonstrator vehicle, in order to improve its aerodynamic performance.

    • Description of the performed wind tunnel tests. 

    • Use cases relevant for the AEROFLEX project have been identified and discussed with the stakeholders. These cases are based on four criteria that can be mixed up (1) a volume -based scenario (2) a weight-based option, (3) an intermodal case and (4) a distance-based case (urban, medium and long-haul transport). 

    • Analysis of ready-to-market technical features and combined them into three technical concepts which should be tested within the project. 

    • Analysis of three new concepts for smart and flexible loading unit.

    • Detailed analyses describing and evaluating fatalities and injuries arising in crashes, the most frequent crash scenarios and investigating the critical safety factors and causes of crashes.

    • Definition, requirements and simulations of the accident type scenarios that had been developed.

    • The main objective of this work has been to design a new front-end concept for a truck. This front-end has been developed considering its Passive Safety performance in crash and pedestrian impact scenarios, as well as developing the design guidelines and validation plan for the Active Safety Systems.

    • The main goals of the document are the following: • Gather a detailed listing and definition of all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the project and mark the ones relevant for the validation within the scope of WP6; • Select at least 8 customer use-cases that will be used for technical assessment in WP6; • Give a detailed overview of the selected customer use-cases; • Identify what additional data will be needed from the other work packages regarding the selected customer use-cases in order to perform energy consumption and energy efficiency improvement analysis on these customer use-cases for the customer preferred vehicle configuration (future prime candidate) compared to the existing vehicle configuration (current prime candidate).

    • he functional description of the final technical assessment can be summarized in one sentence: To assess the efficiency improvement potential of AEROFLEX innovations in typical European long-haul road operations, building on the reference and demonstrator test results, using realistic simulations and providing input to the impact assessment of the EU freight transport and book of recommendations.

    • The test program defined, includes five different test use-cases being: 1. Fuel consumption tests at steady-state speed on test track 2. Fuel consumption tests on the public road 3. Air drag on test track 4. Vehicle dynamic measurement on test track and 5. Terminal loading tests at a customer’s depot.

    • Description of the indicated testing activities to obtain and evaluate the reference results.

    • In AEROFLEX a so-called Advanced Energy Management Powertrain (AEMPT) has been developed. It includes a pulling unit (truck), one or more electric trailer units, software to make the vehicle units work together efficiently and a communication system which allows the vehicle units to exchange necessary information.

    • Define the state-of-the-art regulatory framework regarding the freight transport market in a clear and meaningful format.

    • This document is the AEROFLEX deliverable D1.3 containing the final results of WP 1 in the AEROFLEX project. It covers the impact assessment of High-Capacity Vehicles (European Modular System EMS 1 and 2).

    • In the AEROFLEX work package 2 a converter dolly with an electric powertrain, further referred to as Smart Power Dolly (SPD), is developed. The SPD is part of the Advanced Energy Management Powertrain (AEMPT) distributed over several units of the vehicle combination

    • In AEROFLEX WP2 an EMS1 vehicle was built which demonstrates the fuel consumption reduction potential of a distributed powertrain in a long and heavy vehicle. 

    • This document represents Deliverable D3.6 of the AEROFLEX project. It summarizes the performed activities within Work Package 3 (WP3), to fulfil the requirements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) prescribed in the project for drag reduction on heavy trucks

    • As part of the activities of WP3 within the AEROFLEX project, a full-scale demonstrator is planned.

      This demonstrator consists of three parts: A newly specified Scania three axle rigid truck; An existing Schmitz dolly;       The existing Van Eck trailer as used in the TRANSFOMERS project.

    • The scope of this deliverable is to describe the safety benefit assessment activities completed within Task 5.4 of WP5 of the AEROFLEX project. The expected performance of the integrated safety systems developed in Task 5.3 will be used to identify the improved safety provided to the target population.

    • EMS (European Modular Systems) or HCV (High-Capacity Vehicles) play an important role achieving the goals of the AEROFLEX project. The philosophy of the AEROFLEX project is that optimised aerodynamics, distributed powertrains, and adaptable loading units enable the EMS pulling units to be relatively simple, cheap and fuel efficient. In this way, transport efficiency could benefit most and the best cost-benefit ratio could be reached. In the project both EMS1 (25.25 m) and EMS2 (32 m) vehicle configurations are tested and evaluated. Reference vehicles are tested and evaluated and the AEROFLEX EMS1 and EMS2 demonstrator vehicles incorporating the AEROFLEX innovations have been subjected to various on-road tests.

    • The aim of this document is to deliver a handbook of requirements and recommendations for the implementation of aerodynamic and flexible trucks for freight and logistics in a multi-modal context which will serve as a guide to policy makers to define future legislations and standards.

    • In AEROFLEX WP2 a powertrain architecture for vehicles as specified in the European Modular System (EMS) was developed, which include electric drives in multiple vehicle units. A sophisticated energy and torque management system allows for an efficient operation of this distributed powertrain. This powertrain architecture is referred to as Advanced Energy Management Powertrain (AEMPT).

    • The aim of this result is to show the results obtained on demonstrator vehicles on the test use-cases performed according to the protocols described.

  • Develop and demonstrate new technologies, concepts and architectures for complete vehicles with optimised aerodynamics, powertrains and safety systems as well as flexible and adaptable loading units with advanced interconnectedness contributing to the vision of a PI

    • Starting back in the early 2020’s, AEROFLEX has since achieved its goal: ensuring the right truck – with the right cargo – at the right time – on the right road, by 2030. How? Through actively starting the development of Intelligent Access Policies and introducing it step-by-step throughout Europe…


      One of the most relevant aspects raised by this project is the “Smart Loading Units” concept. It aims to design cargo units that can be used interchangeably in different transport modes (road, rail and sea), and to enable both vertical and horizontal handling. In short, what is intended with this standardization is to simplify the modal exchanges that take place in the logistic nodes, reducing friction and increasing efficiency. Therefore, it implies a higher level of transport modes harmonization.

      As mentioned, the definition of standard cargo units for their use in different transport modes in the simplest way is the first step to a harmonisation along with the transport network (including nodes operation). (Generation 0)

      The design and development of standardised intermodal cargo units can define and establish the infrastructural and equipment requirements to handle them in a cost-efficient and sustainable way. (Generation 1)

      A step further, this cargo harmonisation will lead to defining standard operation procedures (and policy frameworks) to implement in all different nodes along with the network, resulting in a much more compact and fluid transport chain. (Generation 2)

      Currently, there is some automated equipment to handle standard cargo units (i. e. containers). In this context, a higher level of automation is foreseen related to the equipment used to handle the “Smart Loading Units” defined in this project. At the same time, imminent and future technological progress in areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning provides a certain degree of autonomy in the operation of the equipment used. (Generation 3)

      Currently, there is some automated equipment to handle standard cargo units (i. e. containers). In this context, a higher level of automation is foreseen related to the equipment used to handle the “Smart Loading Units” defined in this project. At the same time, Technological progress in areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning provides a certain degree of autonomy in the operation of the equipment used. (Generation 4)


      The project addresses three important aspects to consider in multimodal / synchromodal freight transport: the development of load units for indistinct and flexible use in different modes (road, rail and sea); the load space optimization (including the double floor trailer concept), and its monitoring; and, the modularization of the loading units, to simplify the loading / unloading operation. All of them are critical for developing and achieving optimized transport and operational services, with high levels of integration between them.

      Therefore, the results to obtain by the project are foreseen with a great impact on the concept of Physical internet."

      The development of both flexible load units for different modes and modular load units allows to optimize all the freight transport operations, and especially those which are carried out in logistics platforms related to modal exchange and load consolidation / deconsolidation. (Generation 0)

      In line with the above, any process that entails higher levels of load unit standardization and modularization considerably simplifies the operations associated with the modal exchange, and therefore, paves the way towards the concept of real synchromodality. (Generation 1)

      The next step will be the establishment of operational protocols related to the new load units will be critical to optimize the intermodal exchange activities and to simplify the traceability process. (Generation 2)

      The use of standardized and modularized cargo units would be supported by the use of machine learning technologies in order to facilitate the automated planning and design of transport operations (dispatch, assignment, etc.). (Generation 3)

      The development of load unit standards and their modularization make it possible to define clear protocols for handling, reducing the possible casuistry, and, consequently, allowing a greater degree of operation automation. (Generation 4)

      In the same way, the criteria considered for the development of this technology may be established as critical factors in the automotive sector (freight transport vehicles manufacturers). Therefore, in short, it could involve a general and basic protocol for freight vehicles design.