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Section outline


    • Session Chair | Katrin Reschwamm, VNL Schewitz

    • Technical paper with presentation

    • European ports are currently facing the challenge of adapting to the current trends in global trade and efficiently handling the increasing volumes placed on them. The aim of this paper is to present an innovative framework supported by disruptive technologies for cargo ports to handle upcoming and future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges. The innovations to be implemented within the proposed framework will contribute to the Port of the Future objectives regarding reduction of port’s total environmental footprint associated with intermodal connections; the improvement of operational efficiency, and increase of data sharing and information visibility; and the promotion on the innovation in the port-urban context. Among the solutions presented, the model-driven tool for Real-time Control of port operations, the advanced Truck Appointment System and the Cargo Flow Optimization tool, aim to pave the way into interconnected port systems with information at various steps of the transportation flow. Overall, the proposed framework aims to develop models and tools which can support ports to improve their efficiency and gradually participate in a Physical Internet network.

    • Poster in this session

    • COREALIS proposes a strategic, innovative framework, supported by disruptive technologies, including IoT, data analytics, next generation traffic management, for modern ports to handle future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges.  Throuth COREALIS, the port will minimize its environmental footprint to the city, it will decrase disturbance to local population throuth a reduction in the congestion around the port.  COREALIS proposes a bunch of solutions for the ports based on big data analytics; i) a predictive model for maintenance for the port of Piraeus ii) a cargo flow optimizer based on historical and current data for hingerland connection applying at the Port of Antwerp iii) an optimized Truck Appointment System based on an Estimated Time of Arrival through real time data.
      The solutions are contributing to the digitization and smart objects creation, the movement of containers and their interconnectivity and the creation of a multimodal transfer system, bringing one step closer the vision of Physical Internet for logistics.
      This research has been conducted as part of COREALIS wich has received funding by European Union´s Horzon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant agreement No. 768994

    • Presentations in this session